19-07-2000, 01:28pm
Board's gone all quiet from the old one. Dont worry get to know this board and you will love it. Keep posting guys and girls....nothing's hard when you know how to.
New board intimidating you? it should'nt
19-07-2000, 01:28pm
Board's gone all quiet from the old one. Dont worry get to know this board and you will love it. Keep posting guys and girls....nothing's hard when you know how to.
19-07-2000, 02:07pm
I just don't want to wear out everyone.
19-07-2000, 07:50pm
but it is dificult when you are lucky to find the on button on these key boards
19-07-2000, 07:52pm
how do you become registered
19-07-2000, 11:03pm
I dont think you need to be registered but if you would like too i guess go to ezyboard.com, I registered such a long time ago, I am no longer sure.
20-07-2000, 10:19am
From the topics list page, there is a link to log in, and from there, you can register as a new user.
20-07-2000, 07:03pm
the one problem i see is that you may loose touch with some fo the members who dont use the board that often.So how do we let them know whats coming up like rides and stuff.
20-07-2000, 07:06pm
Post them as topics, or even a new forum for these sorts of topics explicitly.
07-01-2008, 05:29pm
me im just scared to post the less i post the less i can screw up lol
07-01-2008, 05:33pm
Geez, talk about dragging up the past, nice posts from 2000.
07-01-2008, 06:18pm
suz stop!i dont need to start again so stop supplying the ammo:) lol
07-01-2008, 07:32pm
hehe Jay, no your cool, stop sweating. nice to see we still got posts so far back.
07-01-2008, 09:35pm
cheers volvi does that mean i can say <>{PLP_&%O^@#$%$^$) efin terrorists get the dakar canceled?
i was looking forward to it.Its the first one i havent seen in one in 20 years
07-01-2008, 09:40pm
oh, jay, have a spoon of concrete & harden the F*** up :P
**Waves from across the room :P **
07-01-2008, 09:47pm
hey suz you still didnt explain your terrorist activities to me i count you responsible for the dakar frakar lol
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