cheap helmet tip
Ive got this helmet in Bling Black which goes for US$129 but this blue or maroon or yellow rubatone is now $99.99. They are great helmets and the rubatone paint is a MATT color.

Only trick is you cant order from oz. It has to be an order from the states to a usa address using usa cards. bit complex but if you have someone there to order for you its a great price for a good looking helmet. of course no oz sticker on the back. freight from the states to oz is around US$50 with ins. and express.

they have plenty other specials on closeout and if you get helmet consider getting the tinted visors to suit helmet, I have gold.
Only a $99 head would wear a $99 helmet Volvi
get caught wearing that helmet with out the Australian standards sticket on it will get you a fine and loss of points.
rev, if you were to get a $500 helmet for a bargain at $99 does that mean you would decline to buy it coz its only a $99 helmet? I'll admit it aint no $1200 as my main lid, but that icon is plenty lid too.

2k, I hear ya what amazes me are the blatant ones ie those barely covering little 'hitler' types you see some wear.
i painted one of my helmets so sticker is removed does that mean i can be fined for that ? it is a RF700 Shoei
0433 92 99 22
Yes, Rod. The law does not say it has to meet the standard, it says that it must have a sticker on it saying it meets the standard....
0433 92 99 22
It would have to be a cop who a) bothers to check (and let's face it, they really need to be going over with a fine tooth comb if they are checking that) and b) is an arsehole if he does you cause of the lack of sticker when it is obviously a compliant helmet.

But technically....

... and some cops rely on "but technically"
I have a old Shoei Helmut Volvi. I can take the sticker off if you like and you can put it on your new helmut. I was going to toss the Shoei anyway...
there is no way you will get the sticker off with out destroying it trust me I know I been down that path .
Rod check your mail there is an easy way around this but I'm not going to post it here.
hooray for pushies
You are correct as I went to the states last year with work and picked up a cheap helmet. It has not been released here yet and was $200 AUST, The models down from it here retail at around $450. Helmets are cheaper over there because they dont have a US standard, they use SNELL and DOT which exceeds the AUST standard anyway. The only standard that exceeds snell and dot is the Shoei helmets.

I was told that I can obtain an aust standard sticker but it will cost a couple off hundred so that is why alot of people are importing them.

muther dont toss the helmet im after a small sized helmet for when my neice and nephews are over just take them around the block usaly borrow one from neigbour i will gladly give you something for it
0433 92 99 22
I don't want anything for it Rod, I was going to throw it out. You are welcome to have it. Just let me know next time your coming to Roy's and I will bring it along.
Cheers muther will do i will buy you a wine .
see you at maccas in the morning.
0433 92 99 22

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