Busa Recall (sorry about the novel) please read
My busa stoped on the side of a main road in peak hour traffic on Friday morning with a hell of a noise comming from the engine.

I had the bike taken to Action Suzuki in Sydney to find out what the problem was. I was informed by them that the bike had a recall on it and that it was my fault that I had done nothing about it.

The problem I have is that I am a full time member of the Australian Defence Force and I have to travel alot, therefore changing my address 6 times in the last year.

I never recieved a recall notice, did anyone else??? I contacted Suzuki Australia and again was informed that it was my problem as I had not answered the recall. I was on my way to the CCIA charity ride at Jindabyne, so as you can imagine I am not impressed with the responce I recieved from Suzuki Australia.

Just to make things even worse Action informed me that a timing spring had broken causing major engine damage, now my baby will be off the road for possibly 6-8 weeks leaving with no transportation, and the possibilty that it will not be covered by warranty??????

Before I go off and upset people at Suzuki Aust, can anyone advise me on what action to take next. If warranty dosn't cover the repair cost then I can't afford $5000 to get it done myself.

I am thinking of contacting some one at Suzuki JAPAN as the manager here in Aust was not helpfull and to be blunt "down right rude".

Any help will be most appriciated

I didn't get any notice of recall. When was the notice of recall issued and for what models?
I have a 2000 model.
I am surprised that there are still people out there who have not heard of the recall.

My 2000 had it`s tensioner done prior to it`s sale to me.

If you have not had the recall done it is most important to get it done ASAP!!!!!!!.

The recall was for all 1999 and 2000 Busas
If you are not sure if it`s been done, check under the riders seat there should be a small recall notice visible on the frame
or just contact your local Suzuki dealer

Sorry to hear about it, but if I had bought the bike off a dealer whether new or second hand, I would expect to receive it with all recall work having been done, that apply by the time of pick up.

If however the recall notice went out after you have had delivery of the bike, then the onus would seem to be on the owner in making arrangements for the work to be done. If such an owner ignored that notice, then it seems he rides at his peril, so to speak. If his mailing address has changed, Suzuki would have no way of notifying the owner at the new address if not informed of it.

If however the bike has been serviced and was not informed that recall work seems not too have been carried out, then maybe you would have some recourse against that service provider.

Either way you look at it, finding the right lawyer would be the best way to go about it.

Good Luck.
yep had mine recalled twice for engine pretensioner mine is a 99 it was fixed in the first recall then they decided that the new part wasnt much better than the old one and did second recall so far so good
love the busa
Don't really know where you stand - I echo Volvi, in that if Suzuki can't find you, then how do you get the notice. BUt likewise, who has serviced the bike? If it was Action, should they have noticed that the recall work had not been done? Don't know...

Is it worth dredging up one of the early recall topics and sticking it on the front discussion page?
I found out about the first recall only only through these boards because the bike was an Action demo and they had not made the changes.

The second recall came from Suzuki Australia. Action (Sydney) wont touch the bike unless you have the recall notice from Suzuki...

I know Suzuki will say that it is up to the owner to make sure Suzuki can get in touch for recalls etc ...

Awful position to be in .... shame you weren't here earlier .. you would have know ...
The comments made that it is the owners responsibility to know about the recall of the bike is a load of CRAP. How many of you have brought a car/ bike or house hold appliances that have a warranty, you move house does this mean you call all the companies and inform them of your new address????? lets get real people!!!!!!!

Just to add to this, the bike has had its regular services and my address has been updated each time along with my telephone numbers including my mobile which has had the same number for the last 5 years, is it unreasonable for Suzuki to telephone the owners and inform them of the recall??? as it only seems that there is a few bikes out there that have not been informed of the recall, or even the workshop where the bike has been serviced to inform the owner at the time of service??

looking forward to your comments
I agree, you have a shitload of people that you need to inform about change of address, and that's just companies and services that you receive regular correspondence from! I have never updated an address for a warranty,!!

I presume that this scenario would be the same for a bike bought second-hand where the original owner does not extend the courtesy of forwarding the recall notice to the new owner!!

Keep us informed of any developments!
My commiserations! I think the onus is on Suzuki to widely advertise recalls (did they?) and if you were servicing your bike at a Suzuki dealer they should be checking their database to make sure that every busa they deal with has been sorted. After all, its their stuffup in the first place! You bought the bike in good faith. If they had your records from servicing they should have checked them to make sure all the busa owners they deal with have been fixed up.
Anyway, I suggest you see a lawyer (in NSW you can ring the Law Society and they will suggest a lawyer you can see with the appropriate expertise for your particular legal problem), and maybe contact the Dept of Fair Trading or some other consumer watchdog. Lawyers arent cheap but if you go to a good one for a consultation at least you will get good advice on your options.
Good luck mate ...... David
you are quite right to be Pissed off,
they should be tracking down every bike and informing the owner, at the very least by telephone and of course any Suzuki Dealership performing the servicing should be making sure every bike has been upgraded and if it has not, informing the owner of the problem.

By the way are you aware of the potential Subframe breakage problem ??
Suzuki have not sent out any info on that one to anybody,
that also has the potential to be catastrophic.


My busa is a 99 model and i have kept the recall notice for it It is dated 23/10/00 and is listed as "first notice".
Interesting about Blue Vipers report of a second recall on tensioner as i have not heard of one and i haven!t changed my adress.
Bike has only travelled 1500 Ks so cant comment on effectiveness of mod.
Also concerned about risk of frame cracking- why hasn!t SUZUKI been made responsible for a mod?
Hope they come to the party and fix your engine.
You still havent explained how suzuki is supposed to find you when you havent notified them of a change of address. Changing your details at a non suzuki dealership where you get your bike serviced is never going to get you anywhere. I dont think anyone here is blaming you for the bike shiting itself, but if you chose to deal/service outside the dealer network, these things are going to happen.
Why don't SUZUKI find the owners through VIC Roads
Or insurance companies
Most are insured!
All the bikes have to be registered
PPL get there rego notice renewal every year don't they?
I think any bike manufacturer should get off there ass and do the right thing
If you sell something thats not quite right YOU should fix it
Bikes are not cheap
So if they make something that is faulty then they should go to any extreme to fix it
What if you are dinking your loved one and the subframe gives way they fall off and DIE
All over a lazy assed company that are too stingy to get off there ass and do the right thing
Recalls are a bloody serious matter and i think companies that issue a recall should do whatever has to be done to chase ppl that own the bikes
There is always a way to find someone

Well, secondary to it all, if they could not find you for the recall, surely something can be done if it all goes wrong subsequently, even if outside the warranty period....

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