Has anybody heard of a screen for the Busa made by MRP
(I am looking for a graphic)
or any good screen available in Western Australia
I am looking for a touring type screen and would greatly appreciate any advice and pictures
I don't know who MRP are, but I've got the "Zero Gravity - Double Bubble" Screen and am pretty happy with it. They also make a more touring orientated screen which I,ve forgotten the name of, but it is on their web site. I ordered through a U.S. Web site and had delivery within a week.
Do you remember what you paid for it OZBUSA
I still have the standard screen.
But, I have seen the Double Bubble fitted, and it seems to increase instrument visibility. Don't know if it really changes the amount of wind-buffering - the touring option seems to be more oriented towards doing this.
I think it will take a lot more than a screen to change the bike into a tourer, though (says the man who is a little apprehensive about riding to Sydney on Friday... )
Richard, where are you guys staying in Sydney?
Haven't booked anything. Might try the motel that Colin and Julia mentioned (Prospect???). Will you be free Friday night to meet up for a drink?
El Rancho 50 meteres from Col (in same complex) is a good spot, though may not be all that cheap, unless Col may try and get a group discount of sorts. Pub and bottle shop also in same compound.
Not enough spending the night to get discount. The other option is about $60 a room.
OhzOne, I paid $115-00 US. Not only can you see the instruments but wind buffeting is significantly reduced. The airflow now passes over the helmet.