How many k's per litre?
At the risk of starting another war, here is another thread foryou all to chew over.

Since having the bike modifiedearlier this week I have noticed I am getting about two kay'sper litre more than previously.

I am curious. Whatare you guys getting per litre on average? Me - around 15.7kpl

What fuel are you using? Me - Optimax or similar

Apart from riding habits, anyone have any ideas on gettingbetter mileage?

Do additives like Slick 50 help?
No BigMac, you never started any wars, in fact your posts sofar have been constructive and interesting, keep them coming,just some of us are tired of some posters continuously 'plugging'for one person and his business. We may all have our favouriterepairer's, but this board is not meant for advertising.

Onto topic, city riding for me can be pretty thirsty perhaps12.5 km/l, have to fill up around the 240-250 mark. On freewayriding probably 15 odd, most have ridden about 310 before fill.I do tend to throttle the bike hard many times, but thats whenthe Busa comes into it's own.

I only use Optimax, Iguess if I was concerned about mileage, I would have gone fora smaller bike, but riding the bus you have to open her up andlet her do what she was designed to do, ride hard but safe.
Wow !! they say mimic is the biggest form of flattery......thanksVolvi didn't know you cared LOL Boss Ride Hard But Safe
Mine is doing about 16.5 per litre buy the onboard trip computer,don't know if it is 100% acurate....
Volvi, FYI I wasnt plugging anyone's business, just stating fact.Pete's modifications worked...and it was busababy and me tryingto have an educated debate on flow rates when everyone got uppity!
C'mon guys ... this thread is already edgy. I disagree aboutplugging a business on the board. I was pleased with the jobI had done and was passing on the info to anyone who might havebeen interested.

Small business needs all the advertisingit can get and word of mouth is the best sort. Anyway, whatsthe difference between raving about a brand of tyre for exampleand raving about some work that has been done? NONE. Everycomment and opinion ventured on the board is good or bad advertisingabout a product or a person.

I own a photographic businessspecialising in computer restoration, digital imaging etc. IfI ever do work for one of you guys and you happy with the result,I sure hope you tell everyone else.

See i got in a freeplug too ...heh heh heh

brgds to all

I forgot the thread - got sucked in myself ....

Anyway.Any thoughts on Slick 50? I ran it in my previous CBR1000 forabout 5 years and the bike seemed to run more freely.. less internalfriction I guess .. and at each oil change the old oil wasn'tblack and but retained the original "colour"?

After 64000k the Honda engine dyno'd at pretty much the samepower output as it had at 11000.

I am pretty certainI will add S50 to the busa next oil change and I was wonderingif anyone else had used it or similar?

Must be old age but with a pillion and gear, and holding a steady 120km between Canberra and the Snowy Mountains return including some of the Alpine Way it recorded 21.3 and 21.7 on round trip.

When filling at the pump the reading was very close in that the fuel I took on board was less than 3% out on the calculation.
It's been a while since I started this thread and I thought an update would be appropriate.

Fairly obviously any engine has a "sweet spot" as far as mileage is concerned. I have ridden some long trips and in traffic around town since having the bike dyno'd. It seems happiest at well over the speed limit (to be expected I guess) I am getting better than 21kpl cruising at around 130kph and down to high 15's low 16's in traffic
17.8 prior to service, 20.9 after @ 4000.
Now which one is it? Fuel consumption or excessive horse power? You cant have both you greedy bastards!
You can have what ever you want, it's all controlled by that right wrist !! That's the beauty of this beauty !!
Spot on Gixxer dude!
Dear Big Mac 088.

In regards to this anti friction additive I have used a product called NULON E30 Long term 80,000 KMH engine treatment on my ZL Fairlaine 4.1 efi engine coupled to an auto trans <3 speed>.I have 186.000 kmh on that motor and I was looking at tweaking its fuel consumption and performance on this low powered 122 Kw motor <162 hp Factory powered rating>.Without engine mods.....
So I even went a step further by using synthetic oil rated at 15w10 viscosity rating.< SHELL>
Then I used initially after the synthetic oil change the NULON E 30 Additive.
After doing this I did not hear the early morning hydraulic lifter noises I used to hear
I noticed that the motor started heaps easier .
In fuel consumption I must say heaps better.
I fill it up to the brim and since the dash is a digital display I get 134 140 kays before a digital bar drops and I always use PREMIUM which lasts longer in the tank which also contributes to better fuel economy.
But before when I was using unleaded and mineral oils in the motor the fuel consumption was higher and performance was lower just by driving it generally.
On a weekly trip to work I do 300 kays and by filling up an 1986 zl EFI fairlane with the above kays on motor
I still register well over half a tank it never registerd half. So that is a hell of a saving in everything.
This Nulon is an aussie product and I will support it in my engines either a car or a bike.
If you go for the American slick 50 stuff just look for the word PTFE. (POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE)wow what a word i guess it has it too the bottle says this unique PTFE stuff bonds to the metal. So I guess the oil is always there no need to wait for the old iol pump to pump it there .....Exept for the synthetic stuff ....
Just check with others if they use it on the Hayabusas
or maybe with you mechanic.
Hope this helps mate Bill Busa


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