Sub-Frame break news ....
WOW Suzuki better take this matter seriously before any major personal injury and not try to patch it up with a bandaid.
Gee, you make comments like that and wonder why you can't get a straight answer from suzuki. Happen to know heaps about the one that crashed, as he did it down where I live. Have spoken to the guys who picked the bike up & there is far more to the story then is told here. But I won't say any more incase "legal action may be considered" Remember the good old days when your mates just laughed at you if you fell off.
Well I'll run with you on this one there Gsxr 1000, some people do on this board tend to be a little into sensationalism.I have spoken before about the wank element that tends to be evident due to the fact of some people trying to make themselves appear so important by being the first to REPORT the latest news or gossip as the case maybe,often leaving out ALL or most of the relevent details.
Richard once again your post is hear say and could also be misleading as all the factors certianly are not included.Having read many of your posts on various other Busa boards on the net and for someone with very limited knowledge on the Busa you do offer quite a lot of information and opinions,unfortunately many times not always good advice or correct.The problem here is people with even less knowledge follow this advice and end up in trouble.I even seek advice from those that know something more than myself and even then would be very hesitant to pass it on until I had fully followed it up.Propaganda and sensationalism gets no one no where and only takes up the time of those concerned trying to sort out the real problem, time that they could have put to more productive use for the benefit of all.I have no wish to get into a long and lengthy debate over this so to those who wish don't even bother. Why numbnuts has had so much problem with the tensioners I cannot say,without having all the facts or without inspecting the bike,how many members in this club? and how many have had cam tensioner failure???
I don't think many, so I would not call it a common failure here in oz,if any one deserves a tensioner failure I do as I would say the workouts I have given my Busa on the dyno far exceeed the normal work load that most people would place on there bike under normal riding conditions.As for the frame breakage I would love to see and inspect the bike (for free) once again there can be many reasons for this and I am not saying this is the case here but in this day and age I have found that in my twenty eight years in the motor trade people in general will say and do anything to get a free fix.I repeat before all the fingers hit the key boards that I am NOT implying this is the case here, but it does happen over and over and the fact that it does makes it much more difficult for the genuine person.I also wonder Richard as to why Paul notified you before Suzuki or his dealer ?? I certianly know who I would notify first,and Volvi like Wow !!! lets wait before we run of half c.o.c.ked shall we,but you seem to have a problem with doing that which is still to be sorted out when by chance we next meet.Being the founder of the Busa club I would have thought your input would be more productive and try to work in conjunction with the users and manufacturer giving them input to the problem if there is one.The more accurate input and factors makes it much easier for the problem to be solved,which in turn benefits all owners in the long run.As of yet Suzuki apparently do not even know of the problem let alone been given a chance to inspect the bike and allready they are being condemned.So before we go into panic mode lets all see just what is the problem and also the cause for it.I have only been on two club rides when I was a member but I have seen some riders do things with there bikes that as a mechanic make me cringe,probably totally unaware that what they are doing is far from good for there machine, but most often operator abuse is the cause for many problems that do occur.So lets just enjoy a bike that is certianly one of the best I have ever owned and let the experts sort it out.Remember it is a machine and can break but all is fixable in the long run.So how about a little less media type hype and a lot more productive input so as to benefit all owners and riders.This is supposed to be the Hayabusa club and there may be a problem here and maybe not,but one thing I know for sure is if you want someone to help you solve a problem you may have,you don't slag them before you have even given them a chance to do so,as has occured here.The important factor I stress here is that for any problem to be solved the correct and full scenario leading up to the fault or failure must be given not just some hyped up post that benefits no one. Boss Edited by: Boss2  at: 10/3/00 8:33:24 am
Numbnuts - was the cam-chain ever a recall item in the UK?
Well I think it's interesting Suzuki Australia's official position is that the sub-frame break is "... a myth started on the Internet" ....

Obviously they will deny this until someone can prove otheriwse ...

I also think that they would have to have a fair idea of the facts - If they knew there was a problem and withheld it they would be in big trouble. If someone was killed due to a defect they were aware of .... that was not recalled.

However for us owners it's just plain bloody annoying not knowing one way or the other!

00 so blue, whats the news from the states re sub frame? what are Suzuki saying there?
I've had myself and mate on the bike on many occasions and we weigh in at a measly 1/4 of a tonne(almost). And i've given the Busa a good spanking with this weight and have had no subframe probs. I'm no light weight alone either (108kgs)and I believe the bike is made to go hard. In short, I think I've put mine to the test and everything is sweet!
Why do you bother contacting Suzuki Australia. You won't believe what you are told anyway. Plus, there's the problem of a total lack of credibility with this "club".
Jesus! Did you spell check that one? Wouldve taken me a week to type that. Good points though.
Suzuki USA (at least what my dealer says) "There is no sub-frame in our inventory except the stock one" and in regards to the article, "that must be a Suzuki UK thing"
The parts guy I spoke with said that he called and got the response from his national rep.
I'll shoot Johnycheese an e-mail (a Suzuki mechanic, Hayabusa owner, and a great source of information) and see what he knows.

yes it was recalled in the UK.
Have you chaps checked out the info at the Hayabusa Registry?? and on Tripod??

If there is no problem, why have GIVI withdrawn all luggage for the GSX1300R, and why are we having to pay for new "stronger" subframes if we want them??.

The place that is snapping is the cast lug on the front. It is not the weld. If you look at the cast section, it goes from a flat area for mounting to main frame, to a round area for the butt joint. Where the flat / round transition occurs, that is where the reported breaks have been occuring. I have had many happy miles, mostly two up (okay I ma 11 stone and the pillion was about 9 stone max!!)

I have only heard of the breakages through MCN and the Internet. I have never seen any reported on the Vehicle inspectorate site, or the USA Recall site.

Blue - the first time I heard about the subframe breaking, it was from a guy in Canada.
You really are a bully Boss.

Surely this forum is for the exchange of ideas. Having you LEAP on people with glee and tear them apart when they express an opinion is not productive.

As many times as I like Hiedi you idiot it's my post Boss Edited by: Boss2  at: 10/5/00 11:36:48 am
Heidi. I'm confused by your comment. Isn't that exactly what Peter is doing? Exchanging ideas and expressing his I basically agree with for that matter. Let's get the REAL story before we start laying blame. This board is starting to sound more like a lynch mob than a vehicle for the exchange of ideas when it behaves in such a knee-jerk fashion. And, by the way, YOU seem to be the only one jumping on anyone as evidenced by your post. So are you just expressing your opinion or are you perhaps being a hypocrite?

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