I know you all think I'm obsessed by seats but hey - sit on it!
Does anyone know of a replacement pillion seat?
The wifey's getting a sore bum ... Corbin don't make one unfortunately ..
Tried emailing corbin? They may have one in the pipeline. Sometimes companys like that will only make something if they get inquiries about it. Besides, another brand may look funny & not match.
Yes I have and yes you're right ... have to wait til Corbin get it together ...
Maybe you'll just have to rub it for her until seat arrives. Could be long time away though!
Yes there is that benefit .....
BTW Corbin emailed to say:
Thank you for thinking about Corbin Saddles! Unfortunately, we do not make
a seat for your bike. The only way we can make a custom seat will be to
take the bike ( not just the seat) to the factory in Hollister, Ca. for
custom fitting. Contact customer service @ 1-800-538-7035 for an
appointment and further details.
Ride Safe.
Best Regards;
Corbins workshop of Wizzards
Daytona Beach
Will they absorb the freight costs? And accompanying adults?
.... yeah and friends and club members ....