Speed Cameras
:"> I went down to the GP this year (from Newcastle) and had a brilliant trip. Low and behold I've just recieved a speeding fine for the 21st October! Merry Bloody Christmas. These arseholes
had the hide to peg me for 107kmh in a 100kmh zone. Friggin Deadly. Location-Bass Highway,Lang Lang south Btn Jetty Lane and South Gippsland Highway(Bridge). Wherever the hell that is.:"> :"> . Anyone else got such a petty fine?
yep, over 1 million issued in victoria alone last year..... f#$%..n revenue hungry arsholes.........
You have become another victim of "zero tolerance"...

What we need to do (car drivers and all) is go to court for every fine. It'll cost you an extra $40 in court fees but then you take in a speech about speeding, safety, revenue raising... my list goes on. The speech lasts a few hours. The courts get completely bogged down, and next thing you know you'll be waiting in a 5 year que for your court date.

Yes you'll still cop your fine but I think this way we can get our moneys worth.
Are the court fees really fixed at $40?
Yes, but then when somebody pinches your busa it takes 5 years to get them put in jail!
I'm waiting to see how many more HUGE!! speeding offences i committed.:">
Went to PI to see Bayliss testing the new Duke & got followed for about 6 km by toggies in the ubiquitous Commy ss (super slow). Ever noticed how they drive around with their park lights on like the rest of the Commodore crowd ? !!!

Pissed em right off by sticking religiously to the construction zone 60 k limit near Sandown. Still pulled me over for "licence check" though.

That v4 Ducati sounds fantastic & they were testing sans mufflers as well which gave the small crowd of onlookers something to think about. Bayliss was going around in the 1.32 's but didn't look like he was giving it 100% just then (Thursday). The front nose cone on his bike looks VERY Busaish indeed. Caparossi's bike was making some very strange noises on over run to power on
so they must have been experimenting with some sort of
fuel injection strategies etc.

I though you had to be doing at least 10% above the speed limit to be fined (110 in a 100 zone); this was to allow for any manufacture speedo error.... or is this just another urban myth?
In Victoria, there used to be a 10% margin for error. The Bracks government removed the 10% margin within the last year or so.
Happy new years etc etc. I got sick of my old user name (230hpBoosa) as it sounded a bit, err, gay

In Queensland there is an informal 10% buffer on speed cameras and lasers not because 'The State' is so generous, but because speedo's are generally accepted as being only accurate give or take about 10%.

I have never seen a ticket in QLD in recent times for less than 10% over the posted limit, but if I did come across a client, or indeed if I (touch wood) got nabbed myself, I would seriously consider giving the matter a run in court as you may be able to argue the common law defence of an "honest but mistaken belief" that your speedo was accuate.

To pinch people for a fraction over the limit, like in VIC, is simply blatent revenue raising, but then again, arent all monies collected for speeding?

The legislation in QLD states that all $$ raised from speed cameras must be used in education etc. I quoth...

Use of penalties collected for camera detected offences

(1) All money collected for penalties imposed for camera detected
offences in excess of the administrative costs of collection must be used for
the following purposes—
(a) road safety education and awareness programs;
(b) road accident injury rehabilitation programs;
© road funding to improve the safety of the sections of
State-controlled roads where accidents most frequently happen.
(2) In this section—
“State-controlled road” means a road or route or part of a road or route
declared to be a State-controlled road under the Transport
Infrastructure Act 1994.

However, when the RACQ and the Opposition recently tried to get the Govt to hand over the paperwork for where all the speed camera revenue had gone, the Govt balked and wouldnt provide the info. The inference of course being that the money had gone elsewhere other than for the stated purposes - another ivory back scratcher Mr Beattie??

The tragedy of it all is that from the piles of 'our' cash - millions people, the Govt could provide free or subsudised driver training, for example, which would be compulsory every 5 years of so with your rego renewal. Or even, no seriously, an education campaign aimed at the tin tops urging them to be more aware of their surroundings eg - us. Perhaps those dangerous roads we all encounter that are only suitable for 4 wheels could be upgraded?? No way!

The easy way out for the government is to spend copious amounts of our money on television advertising - running the ho hum mantra of speed kills. You see, television ads are expensive - particularly when you run them simultaneously on 3 channels as I witnessed only last night. By running these ads it gives the impression that the govt are actually spending our hard earned where they are supposed to - under the (I guess) "education and awareness" subsection of the legislation. What a crock. More speed cameras, the same old shock tactic ads, yet the road toll goes up.

It makes my blood boil.
It is very hard to take them to court on speeding offences and win. If you do take them to court they bring in all sorts of experts that would cost you thousands of dollars if you were to do it because if they lose they have to return all the thousands of dollars and points that were taken on that trap.

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