Hey guys just a poll that I though it would be interesting to conduct.
I'll start the ball rolling by voting for 3-4a.m. in the morning (3:30a.m. to be exact). Yes I am a VERY early bird, but riding trackwork part time I have to be. And having said that, I'm generally in bed by 10p.m. so it's all relative I suppose.
2-5a.m.5-7a.m.6-7a.m.7-8a.m.after 8a.m.Show results
I just adjusted the poll slightly in case they are people that get up before 3a.m. - the first option now reads 2-5a.m.
Anyone who gets up any earlier than 2a.m. just make a note of it in the messages if you like.
man people on here are getting up way too early, its about 9:30 now and I'm up early
ya - normally up after 8 - dont have to be at work till after 9:30am but there till 6.
but if needed I get up early - like had to be @ the hospital by 8:30am today - had to get up at like 7:55am but then I got to bed about 1am....
will be sleeping very early tho next Thursday night with 2 alarms for 5am friday morning "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"
Gee Raz what do you do of a morning if i was meeting at the west gate i still would not be getting up to 5am and im over 50km away REGARDS ROD
Because i havent been working since christmas,i get up when i wake up,usually around 9 or so,but i dont get to bed until about 1-1.30am.I start my new job next week(starting at 7.30am)a fuggin shuge shock to the system that will be.
Back in black!
I'm up around 5.45am.
GEEEZZZZZEEE.... you go away for two weeks and when you get back Rockets got another Busa !
Welcome back to Rod ! The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
I am outta bed by 5am left home by 5:30am at work by 6:15am leave work by 2:30pm and home again by roughly 3:30pm makes it a fucken long day with the traveling Cheers
My Last 3 Rides -> 02-Busa, 06-M109R, 00-Busa
up around 7.45 to 8am as I take my daughter to school.
Usuall get to bed most nights late like Rocket around 1ish Cheers,
Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography
"When you're feelin' down
When you feel
You need to get away
You can just fly away
I feel the world
Is going insane
If you feel the sun
You can just fly away."
Jean Claude Ades - Fly Away 2006 ...Try it.
You sleep tooooooooooooo much DJ check the times on my posts and see what times i wake up anymore than 4 hours is way too much Cheers
My Last 3 Rides -> 02-Busa, 06-M109R, 00-Busa
I get up at 7am in the morning and I don't use an alarm clock. I don't have to travel any where to start work. I sign on the with a two way Radio and talk to my dispatcher at 8am from my lounge room. I usually don't get a job untill around 8.30 or 9am, then I leave home. Most of the time I am home by 5.30pm.
go Bill.
Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography
"When you're feelin' down
When you feel
You need to get away
You can just fly away
I feel the world
Is going insane
If you feel the sun
You can just fly away."
Jean Claude Ades - Fly Away 2006 ...Try it.
Use to get up the crack of dawn, but dawn has left. Cheers,
Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography
"When you're feelin' down
When you feel
You need to get away
You can just fly away
I feel the world
Is going insane
If you feel the sun
You can just fly away."
Jean Claude Ades - Fly Away 2006 ...Try it.
Quote:Gee Raz what do you do of a morning if i was meeting at the west gate i still would not be getting up to 5am and im over 50km away
reasons are this:
check over bike
check I have everything packed & triple check!
get good breakky in to me & listen to music to pump me up
give bike quick clean over (For dust that settled the night before since I will have cleaned it then as well)
then suit up - load up bike - check I have everything again & check everything is secured on the bike.
Check everything is turned off in the house & leave - warm up bike & check again - leave & get to servo by 6:30am take about 15mins to get there from my place - so leaves me a total of 1:15mins to be ready, wake, fed & rocking
That way I am there & ready for any phone calls from people going to be late & ready to rock to whittlesea & yea "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"