anti wheelstand mechanism
Oh no... Im having a problem wheelstanding my 02 busa. One i get it up near the balance point it jumps into neutral... leading to a hard landing. Ive been careful to ensure my toes aint accidently clicking the gear lever. it never jumps out of gear at any other time.
Anyone heard of this before. Is there any explanation besides my poor riding ability?
lodge a complaint with Suzuki see how they react...... (he he)

had exactly the same thing happen to me at times, on my 01 and the 02, not sure what the fix is, maybe the beast is trying to tell us something????

Maybe the bubble light dosnt like heights?
Got a response on this on another board:

I'm voting it's the toe. There's nothing in a tranny that is gravity-sensitive. The other alternative is that the gear dogs are worn and slipping out. Most people do wheelies on the big bikes by snapping the throttle and then letting off to reach balance, then apply a little more if needed to keep it there. This could cause enough slack in the gears to let worn dogs slip out.
which board was that demeester?
Arizona busas (AZBusas)
A self actualizing anti-mono mechanism....
Shiiiiiit!!!! Now that would have come in handy a few months ago.....
Why would you need one? Your another one of these blokes that couldn't mono to save themselves...anti-shit mechanism, now that would be handy
no amount of monoing is gunna save ya when you've just been pulled over by a very angry cop for doing just that........... could cost ya your license and more!!!!
Lucas Lucas Lucas
tsk tsk tsk.........
It is a well known fact that the blue/silver busa
is incapable of wheelstands under any circumstances....
Please do not let your envy cloud your judgement.....
Perhaps the blue/silver '00 should be could the..wait...
BTW at least mine didn't need the rollerblade wheels,
though it may have come in handy.......
Hey fast freddy we up for a ride soon or what.
I'd love to go for a ride soon...
Though better ask bigshowbusa's permission first.
As it will be probably his bike that I'll have to borrow.
Does anyone actually pullover???
FFG you couldn't handle my bus, given its rep for having more 'hang time' than air jordan combined with it's tendency not to stop real well and go bush you'd be on your ass...
If you carried a parachute I'd think about it...

yours at high speed
All righty then...
I have procured myself one ACME parachute...
Why I would need one on a speed restricted
busa is beyond me but.........
So can I borrow the bike??
You'd have to take the training wheels off though....
Promise I won't "mono" it
Riding it "may" change my mind about buying a duck....
Maybe not.
BTW are those cameras on the WRroad operational?
Cheers FFg
I don't believe they're operational just yet. But if you get done by one, don't send your ticket to me. Oh, you'll be on someone else's bike and you are looking for operational cameras???

A duck! Really?

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