Sydney Ride - Sunday 4th August
Who's coming...? My suggestions are...

Route 1
The Old Road - Wollombi - Putty Road - Windsor
Route 2
Mount White - Peats Ridge - Wisemans Ferry

How about a 9:30 start, meeting points can be decided depending on the route. (North, South or West, don't really care...)

Any other suggestions.....

Jay (Caringbah)
I'm up for a ride, option 1 suits, just love the Putty ! Cops and EPA frequent the old Pacific regularly. Another option for those who want to go South could be, up Macquarie Pass to Robertson Pie shop, grab a pie & coffee then down Jambaroo Pass and on to Berry pub for lunch. Then head to Bomaderry/Nowra and on to Kangaroo Valley via the twisty stuff and back via whatever ?


Thanks Macca,

Hope the weather next Sunday is like it was today, it was fantastic out there. Your suggestion sounds very tasty, I am happy to go wherever the road takes us...

Hey Anthony, are you coming along...


Sorry guys would love to come along but have committed to mother in laws B'day party and hey are YOU gonna upset my in laws?
Went for a good ride Sunday gone however with a few army and a couple of Navy guys that live in my complex up the National park was pretty good couple of hairy corners there, some of those guys do that ride like every second weekend and fang around there like no mans bussiness I am still not too confident on the Busa and I come around a hairpin and the skid on the road wasn't the only one I did hehe.
Looks like you and me mate, so far! If you are willing, we could do the ride I outlined. It is a good leisurally (time wise that is !) day ride from where we both live, which will get us home at a reasonable hour (3-4pm). We could meet up at the top of Mt Ousley where the truck stop is (just up the hill from the Picton Road entrance/exit) or if you like there are some nice back roads from Picton which take us out the back of Bowral and thus avoiding freeway type roads (a better ride option really).



Happy to do the southern route you described and I agree that Picton Road would be better. In that case should we meet on Picton Road?

I (or we, if anyone else joins us) will come down the express way and take the exit onto Picton Road, is there enough hard shoulder to pull over and wait there?? (Can't remember...)

You name the time and I will be there....


How about I meet you on Picton Road at the M5 freeway entrance. There is plenty of room to pull over and just saves me travelling along the same bit of road twice. If this OK we could meet at say 9am ?


Will cya at 9am. If the weather is questionable I will give you call before 8:15...



PS: Spencer from the northern beaches may come along with a friend, still waiting to hear...

Hi Guys, I'd like to tag along if I may.
9:00 am sounds great, if it's raining I won't be there though.

Great to hear u r coming along. On Sunday morning if weather is not cooperating why don't you call me (or SMS) on 0402 251 498 so we know for sure....Takes the guess work out of it....

Brett, Steve, Spencer and Dave and Jules

Confirming the Sunday 4th August ride details....

Meeting Point - ON PICTON RD
(Where it crosses the F5 Freeway)
Meeting Time - 9:00am
Latest Departure time from PICTON RD - 9:20am

Please call on the day if weather is questionable..
(Jay - 0402 25149

Cya on Sunday...

Hi guys
Count me half in, 50% chance I'll be there, 50% I won't. If I'm not there by 9.20am, don't wait.
I think the end of Jay's number should be an 8, ie.

(Jay - 0402 251498)
Anyone else who is thinking of turning up for the Sunday ride, we now have two meeting points....

1. BP on the Hume (just before the crossroads) between 8:00 to 8:15am

and then

2. On Picton Road (Where it crosses the Hume Hwy) at 9:00am

Cya on Sunday
0402 251 498

It is only fitting, since as I recall I suggested in a previous posting that we start up NSW (Sydney) group outings, that now that we have been there - done that, that some feed back should be posted and recognition forthcoming to those that attended and most importantly arranged/organised the day.

Firstly, to me for the initial suggestion that we get together (well done Dave), gees, thanx guys.

Secondly for David (POH) and Jay (JayfmSydney) for grabbing the ball and running with it. Well done guys.

Next for Jay again for prompting and tossing around a few ideas for this, our first ride.

Then, Brett, thanx (Macca), for the input and outline for the days ride and leading us through the unknown, and back again.

And finally a round of thanx to Jay, Spencer, Steve, Gregg and Yvonne, Chris, Tony, and Brett for making the effort and coming out for the day.

The day in brief : As Saturday arvo rolled in with those huge black clouds, rain, hail, thunder and lightening, and that wind that my mother calls step-mothers breathe, the gloomy day became a reflection of a number of eager Busa riders, for tomorrow was the day. Sunday morning came around and the wind was still there, but alas, the clouds and rain had subsided and that golden ball in the sky invited us to get our butts out of bed and saddle up for a day of fun.

As the various meeting points passed and the momentum picked up it was great to see that we had a few unexpected (but more than welcome) additions to the group. We came to our final point of gathering and as the helmets came off you could hear the murmurs, I'm never going to remember who anyone is. But that wasn't really the case, cause as we ventured on and had our first stop, damn that was cold, I still don't know how I managed to get my gloves off, everyone started to relax and talk and share a few tails. An important one was feedback, and thanking those that put in a bit of time and effort, thus my short story. And the temperature outside seemed to raise a bit then to and as we ventured down and up the Pass, and down the mountain and into seaside Kiama another new day seemed to dawn. (Someone, please put me out of my misery, I feel like I'm writing for Mills and Boon). Anyway, we had a great day, a fun, safe and enjoyable ride, great laughs, a few top schooners, thanx Picton Pub, and thus ends our first of hopefully many group rides and gatherings.

Again, to all, thankyou.


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