Kabul Weather Forecast
Very brief period of extremely bright sunlight, followed by variable winds of up to 2000 knots and temperatures upwards of 6000 degrees Celsius with no measurable moisture. SPF 12000 sun block highly recommended if standing near an outside, reinforced structural concrete wall less than three meters thick.
Have a nice day Mr. Bin Laden.

Hey old Cahn!!
Is that what the astronomers call the "Big Bang Theory"?

there have been many strange inexplicable things emerging from the calamaty in the USA

check this freaky thing....

Open MS Word
Type in Q33 NY
Change font size to 72 pt
Change font to Wingdings

Q33 was the flight name that crashed into the WTC NY.
and this strange numbers coincidence???

The date of the attack: 9/11: 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2+5+4 = 11
After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1+1+9 = 11
Twin Towers - standing side by side, look like the number 11
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11
State of New York - The 11th State added to the Union
New York City - 11 letters
Afghanistan - 11 letters
The Pentagon - 11 letters
Ramzi Yousef - 11 letters (convicted or orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993)
Flight 11 - 92 on board - 9+2=11
Flight 77 - 65 on board - 6+5=11

Scarey, where all this is going. While Bin Laden probably is to blam (and probably the Taliban as well, to some degree), any sort of war against Afghanistan and the Afghan people will probably produce undesirable side-effects...

(Do we need a new forum - political and social commentary...)
with so much going on which will impact on everyone world wide, it wouldn't hurt to have a dedicated forum in which to air and share these important issues

As long as they leave Disneyland standing.I am taking my little girl there in march and flying air nz.
Except Q33 was NOT the flight number.
Someone has found some good letters in wingdings and then made up the rest...

Well, Good old Bin Laddy, better purchase a Busa if he wants to out run those Americans. Ha ha

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