Hayabusa TV Ad - Now Streaming
You will need Windows Media Player (available for both PC & Mac) to view the ad. The broadband feed is for people with Cable / ADSL or high speed ISDN.

The narrowband version is for people with dial-up modems.

Broadband | Narrowband

NOTE: You will need to 'right click' the link & select 'Save Target As.. ' to download the file. Otherwise it will fire up in your browser ..

If you wish to download the MPEG version Click Here for Hi res version (17 meg) or Lo res (8 meg)

To download the MPEG file you need to put your mouse over the link and click the right mouse button. It will ask if you wish to 'Save Target As' ... Save it to your desktop. If you just click the link it will try to play it in the browser.

Mac users just hold your mouse down over the link and it will ask "Download Link To Disc"

You will need something that plays MPEG files to view.

Edited by: Fox at: 5/3/01 7:09:13 pm

Can you put a link to download the MPEG for those who choose to (this version is great for watching one-off, but to play it a couple of times, or to keep it...)

Now, hopefully we can get the Australian one sorted out soon.
The latest on the Australian one is, that Suzuki Aust. are happy to oblige however they need Japan's authorisation (to protect their butts) which is currently being processed. Red tape am afraid, let's hope it still comes through.

JP if your reading, a little prod in the right places might help...lol.
Try both (even if downloading). I found that running locally the lowres version was better and smoother than high.
Forgot to add the last bit about downloading the MPEG files - have updated ...

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