Opinion from the ladies on the board
Hi Michelle I'm Julie, Dave (SubRX's) partner. Don't let anyone ever tell you that you can't!!! (Julie's rule #1) Women are resourceful, gorgeous, intelligent, ingenious, capable and brilliant. They can give and nurture life within their bodies, give birth and then raise families, all without asking a bloke if they can - SO WHY SHOULD RIDING A BUSA BE ANY DIFFERENT!!!

I ride Dave's Busa AND ENJOY IT but I really do like to hassle him about the inaccuracy of the Speedo (no wonder Suzuki makes the fastest roadbike - they speedo lies!!! ) I'm 5'6" and a bit and have absolutely no problems. As for picking it up, lie it down on the grass somewhere and practise. There's also a good website that I'm a member of here in Australia called Girls Ride Out. On this site, they have useful hints on how to ride safe, look after your bike and also how to pick it up correctly (with pictures!) Try this link www.girlsrideout.com/info.html

My Aprilia Falco on the other hand is a different issue. The seat is higher, it doesn't accelerate smoothly, its noisy and cold - BUT ITS A BIG THROBBING ITALIAN SO WHAT MORE COULD A GIRL ASK FOR BETWEEN HER THIGHS

Whatever bike you choose, just enjoy it and keep beating those boys with their machines (My personal fave is dragging WRX hoons at the traffic lights, letting them catch up and then showing them that they've just been flogged by a GIRL


Oh and fellas, just for the record, yes it is a great bike!
Quote:It'll suck the paint off your house and give your family a permanent orange afro

God damn, I love that movie. But it can be a lazy gentle ride if you want it to be! How many other bikes can take off in third and handle pretty much any situation without having to change gears. Misjudge a corner and get the gear wrong, and it's forgiving. Whatever gear you're in will be close enough. With that much torque, you can relax a lot.
Peter Altas
Thanks for signing on Julie! It's great to hear from someone that's about my height...I think that's one of the biggest worries I've had. Glad you've found the Busa to be a great bike - hope you didn't give Dave too much trouble over getting you the Aprilia first!

I don't have any doubts about being able to learn to ride that Busa, just needed some help in taking the plunge I think...my husband's been looking around Virginia to find me a Busa, all the while telling me that if I get it, he's got a few friends that want to see it! Honestly, I think I'll let him ride it just once, see what he's missing, and then hide the keys!

Thanks for the link to your Aussie site...I'll be all over your local sites before too long...hope you guys don't mind! We just don't have anything locally that has appealed to me as of yet (talking web links there!)

Thanks to everyone for giving me great insight on this decision of mine...I really do appreciate the honestly from you guys and gals! You've been absolutely great...

Yeah, yeah girls.
Now go and wash the dishes!
Cheers, Phil. Riding not washing dishes.
Hey Phil...Ask my husband the last time he did dishes?! Yeah, the last time I told him to ...I believe it was in between cleaning the floors and changing diapers...

Yo GDYUP, I'm in Melbourne quite often. Just let me know next time you want me and my five men (ages 3 to 36) to come over so that they can show you how well they do the dishes at home. I personally find dishpan hands on a man SEXY
Just remember that outdated chauvinistic comments like that mean you'll only ever get to ride your Busa. Dave on the other hand, realises this, and gets ridden often himself :
Howdy there Michelle.
I certainly agree with everyone`s glowing reports on the manners of the fabulous Busa.

It`s a real pussycat when you want it to be & when you`re up for a serious rush of adrenalin,well....it`s right there at your finger-tips.

When you`re on a long straight,out in the wilderness,carrying a pillion(all-be-it a small & petite one) & luggage,& you can easily SMOKE a gixxer thou at 285kmh (178mph) you really know you`re riding something extraordinary!!

And you certainly `don`t`need to attain warp speeds to get your jollies with this bike,but....DAMN!!!...it`s nice to know you can!!!

Happy trails. Franko (Riding and riding)
Yeah GDY Those "outdated chauvinistic attitudes" of yours won't get you laid son But then, you do have quite a few billy lids don't you

Like you said, like you said mate Kiss it & throw it back Rexy would be proud of ya
I might have to go into hiding if you come to Melb Michelle, I have enough trouble with Busa Groupies as it is!!!
Gettin' laid Rev, that all stopped when I got married.
See ya in my mirrors tomorrow ole man.
Anyone else out there in Vic, my shout for a latte tomorrow.
Marmalades in Yea about 1030 ish. Be there.
Cheers, Phil. Riding not getting laid.
Good day for it GDY, nice run as usual, roads virtually deserted. Have to agree, the ole red/black has a fair bit of snort around the 6-7 range

That thing of yours is very nice to ride, smooth as silk in the engine & drivetrain. You must have some Busa guru
massaging the thing ?

Might have to have lunch at the Seymour pub next time & explore that road I told you about
Dont you guys like winding roads,didnt see you up the reefton!
You had your chance to ride with us the other week Rocketman and blew it.
You were at the Reefton, was it in a car???
Recharge the bottle Rev and we'll explore the limits on the Road in Question.
Great ride today, weather was perfect.
Cheers, Phil. Riding not rooting!
Ohhh gdyup,i cant sleep at night now that you have said you wont ride with me or maybe you are scared that a relatively stock busa might whip your candy arse!!!!! cheers, Rod, riding on winding roads
And now to really stir the pot...
I just sold the bus and bought a gixxer 750 and i'll tell you... I had 284 on the spedo on the weekend (its not 300 but it felt it), its much much easier to ride around corners (and if any bus owner thinks they can out corner the 750 im up for the challenge) and 0 to 100 it'll whoop the bus (which is where we all ride leagaly anyway). The only thing it doesnt do is carry a pillion (which is why i bought a bus in the first place).
That was 0 to 100 inches wasn't it ????

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