Winge Winge Winge
#1 anyway, I'm on the way home, about 50 k's to go and the power in my busa doesn't seem to be there anymore . A second later my arse is fish tailing all over the road and I'm being dragged over to right hand lane . Luckily for me there was a truck bearing down coz for some unkown reason I thought I'd sit on the speed limit (110 km/h) . In 10 years of bikes, including off road, I've never had a flat. I can however record the quickest use of a BT 56 - 1000 km from new (the last 40 km done at 25 km/h). First question, I can only get a BTR 010 from my local country bike tyre shop but are they OK?

So I limp into my shed and the wife is out at a work function so no sympathy for me .... except from the boys in blue: ! I open an envelope in the mail and there in front of me is a fine and 1 month suspension of licence from an incident occuring on my second ride on the busa, the magic over 25-30 km/h. My second and final question, does accelerating out of a dangerous situation count as a decent enough reason for speeding? Any other bike and I would have only got to 10 km/h over the limit, but I thought it rather skillful that I kept the busa's grunt down to only 25 over. Maybe bluecenturion can answer this one?

Trav. (crying, not riding!)
I did get out of a speeding fine for that reason. truck behind, and car to the left merged without signalling. I accelerated to overtake, and there was a camera on the side of the road.

I put it all on a stat dec and sent it with the fine. Stated that I acknowledged that I was speeding, but had no option as the circumstances were.....

Must have got a nice bloke though, as they could have easily dismissed it as well. I've also only had one speeding fine 6 yrs ago, and nothing else, so my record was looking healthy.
Peter Altas
there is generally a defence of 'emergency' which allows you to argue that you had to break the law because of an impending emergency. I once defended a bloke for speeding after he accelerated around a car that was pulling out on him. you can check out section 25 of the QLD Criminal Code if you want to look into it more.

the most common example would be if you would speeding to hospital with a pregga's wife (on the back of your hayabusa if you like)
Obviously the further defence to Adrians last, is that she had fallen off and you had to go back looking for her (remember, the photo)

Goldie. (Doing housework, not delivering babies)

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