Leather Jacket
Hi guys I have a question for ya's I bought a Dry Rider jacket when I bought my Busa and now I am in the hunt for a Leather Jacket. What I want to know is A: good brand B:a good jacket that can be worn in the hot summers of brissy as the dry rider is far too hot to wear even with the lining removed. any help would be appreciated.

Thanx Bill....
Hate to tell ya Bill but wearing any leather jacket in vegas is still hell in summer!!

I bought a dianese armour shirt thingy which I wear under a shirt :


nice and cool and still heaps of protection. I think 'UFO' also do them for about $299.00

Also have a kevlar shirt which I wear over the top sometimes for extra skidding ability...


stay cool..
Hey Bill,

I bought a Tiger Angel Guardian jacket about 2+1/2 years ago and have loved it.
It was a bit pricey [$120 but it was/is well worth it - I don't know if you need waterproofing as well as it is that too. In the summer it's a lot cooler than a 'normal' leather jacket and only gets unbearable in slow 38deg + temps.

I'd like some proper protection in it though - it only has firm padding and no hard plates.

Other than that, it's sweeet. Colour has faded, so if you want a jacket that still looks new years later, you probably don't want this one.

It's a suede looking thing.

that was actually 1200 dollars, not $120+smiley
The Lookwell jacket looks good for a summer jacket.It has 3d mesh,ventilation and built in protection(like condoms,really)$299 from the paul feeney group,who are up your way in sunny QLD.Looks good.Ph 0755966088....cheers Rod
Well thanx guys you have been a great help now I am really confuzzled looks like I am in for a lot of riding and shopping in the near future thanx for the sites and I will let you know what I end up buying.

Regards Bill

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