Busa Madness

"Note: If you ever do get used to 240 horses at the rear wheel (yeah, right), Jamie and Snake can fix that. How does 300ps grab you? Not enough? No problem. Here's one with 500ps, or even (are you seated?) 600. Yes...the Force is strong within these two blokes. Contact S&R Pro on tel, (02) 4732 2203."
Yeah, damn, I knew there were some huys up that way that were getting into it, Balls had mentioned them.

550 ps??

Isn't there a big difference between ps and HP? I was under the impression that say, 160 HP = ~100something PS?

WTF? [it was a while ago when I looked at calculations]

Lofty over on .org or labusas has a 550HP[??] Busa too, damn crazy - there was an article on it, scanned and posted.

Crazy power, no doubt lots of time and $$$..

I was thinking of KW, not PS.. disregard my wanglings
Lets hope we get a look at it and more info at the big bike show in March, that they were talking about in the article...

600 at rear wheel 2X more than stock busa...(thats what we need double busa balls, ha ha!)

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