Painting bike
Hey all,

I picked up some fairings [2 sides, nose and front wheel cover] on the weekend for a nice price [thanks Ozibusa], and want to start prepping them to repaint. I'll be doing a custom job on them myself when I feel skilled enough with the airbrush. I haven't made up my mind on what it's going to be, ideas are welcome. [planning on it being more artwork than lines/shapes/graphic[?] like 'normal' bike paint jobs]

Anyhow, who's done this sort of stuff before or knows anything about it?
I'm just painting the plastics [probably including the inner fairings]. What advise do you have on stripping the current paint off? I already know that I shouldn't use paint stripper.
So far only one fairing has rough scratches on it, I'm guessing I can just sand them down smooth? Or should I add plastic to these areas?
There's only one small crack that should be easy to fix up, I've read that I can use some ABS Primer and Glue from a plumbing shop?

I believe the paint removal is the worst part of it.
What sort of primer should I be using, is Etch primer ok? After the primer a basecoat of paint?

Any other do's and don'ts?

I'll probably do a custom job on one of my helmets as well, but I'll save my questions on that for another time.


PS, anyone got extra/scratched/unwanted rear ductail, hump or fuel tank? Let me know.
What, no-one has done anything like this?

They exist Jon, but custom paint work is pretty rare around here... You could try posting your questions on a US board ie LAbusas etc, they seem to do it a fair bit.
Have you figured out what you're going to do with decals yet? I've got a full set of aftermarket decals on order from the states (which should arrive sometime in the next 6 months ). I'm going to get them high res scanned before I apply them so let me know if you want the scans and you can get them printed on adhesive vinyl... The freakin kanji decal alone is worth around $165 genuine
Is there any way of safely removing the decals?

Hey jon, you could get a special paint 7-tone paint from BBG in France or Germany! It only costs a $1,000.00 a litre !!!! Saw a guys TL1000R tonight on Ackland St done in a all over green/gold tone - AWESOME !!!! Cost him $3000 from a mate, done in the 1 colour. Apparently it looks really good in the sun. One of the planes at work has the same style paintjob - cost the club $9,000 in paint alone!! One of the pilots ran a wingtip into a fence the other day. REAL EXPENSIVE minor repair due to ordering touch-up 1 litre from overseas!\

Cheers, Peter

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