Avalon Airfield Runway Hire
I dropped a line to Mr Bill Biggs from Linfox (Airfield Manager) at Avalon regarding the possibility of hiring the runway for obvious purposes.

Unfortunately, his reply was:

Quote:We don't hire the runway to clubs for the purpose of speed trials. We sometimes allow Motorcycle magazines the use of our facilities when they engage professional riders for the purpose of testing/reviewing vehicles, when supplying their own insurance.

Goddammit...... I was hoping to organise a legal 300km/h blast with cameras/photos/radar verification, etc.

Would've been a great day.

Definitely would've been!
You should try the abandoned Laverton Airfield Airforce base. The runways have been let go, but are still servicable enough for a run, maybe?? I'll do some checking, or maybe try the airforce base command centre there. Helicopters still use it for training and inbound approoaches, so still active....
Its all about public liability guys...
Is it Mangalore? which has strips long enough for 747s?
I believe Mangalore is the same as Essendon, not too long.

As far as I was aware, Avalon was the only one available. It's the longest in Australia at just over 3 kays long and not under constant use like the major airports. Can land any plane currently in use.
Peter Altas
Mangalore can land the big burners! If Essendon, Melbourne or something similar is fogged in, and an aircraft is from Tassie lets say, then they divert to Mangalore. The load carrying capability of runway and width is good. Dont need too much length on short field approach - just bloody good thrust reversers and asphalt thats not going to crack away under 50 tonnes of force being applied under the wheels. 747's wouldn't land there except in emergency - divert to Sydney which is close.

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