Tall Stories
I am a wanker and I'm not a very good rider, so what does that make me? Regards,
Colin,at least your honest,so your not really a wanker
Yes, i am one who is not able to harness the full power and glory of the mighty hayabusa...

But when comparing bikes or cars with the hayabusa, i usually go by proven factory or magazine specs.

And I usually finish with "yeah, but I know of 5 or 6 guys that'll kick your ass on a 'Busa!"

The argument is usually about the machine and not the rider anyway.
But the machine doesn't ride/drive itself.Anything can be written on paper,but the proof is in the execution.I'm not having a go at you Peter its just that i hear these wankers all the time saying "On paper my bike/car will do this and that" and when you see them ride/drive,they should be on a moped or in a hyundi or something.If i went around saying my bike will blow whatever you've got into the weeds(which i don't) then i'de want to be able to back up what i've said. cheers Rod
But its always fun to tell them you will blow them away. And its not usually that hard. In the corners it surely comes down to rider ability, but on a straight road you just open the throttle... after that its upto the bike isnt it?

Fox... I bet you cant cause they wont let you take your pushie into the cabin of a 747.
Yes, but after straight roads there is usally corners, and because the police blitz the straight roads you have to get your jollys in the corners.
I have a friend with a worked VXSS 5L who didn't truly understand the power of the busa till he challenged me to a roll on from 100kph. He admitted i'd win from a standstill but thought he'd have a chance at the roll on. We got to the open highway and when the overtaking lanes came up he nailed it from 100. I was holding it in 2nd gear at 100 and just crouched and pinned the throttle. I took off past him like he was standing still, in fact i can't think of anything 'cept another busa that could have kept up.


P.S. Getting to full throttle in 2nd gear is easy but pinning it in 1st is still a skill.

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