Calder Park...
Ran the bus at calder last night... freakin unreal fun, highly recommend it. About 25 bikes there, managed to get six runs in over 4hrs. Best time was a poultry 11.01 but was bc gradually improved after each run and ran out of fuel on the final run. Fast Freddy on the gixxer 1000 made a sluggish start but managed a best time of 10.8 (smartass ).
The surprise of the night had to be gforce1300's first pass (against me too) a lightning 10.4... He endend up winning the trophy on the night with the fastest time 10.25 (I believe?, congrats... )

I'll probably be at the next meet in two weeks time...any lightweight riders out there that reckon they can beat 10.25?? good luck...
yes bigshow a great night by all,and that rain held of my best time of the night was 10.21@138mph which wasnt bad being my first time at calder.a BIG thanks to pete at petespitstop for doing all the mods on my bike,great job when r we going again cheers gboy

I'd love to go one day. I do plan to go to Heathcote drags though, once per month it's hired out for a bike only event. I was told that you can get many more runs than you do at Calder and it's $50 entry for the day.

Calder is a hard place to get good times. looks up hill for a start. I remember winning there years ago with my old stockish Katana 1100 with 11.23. I reckon the busa would have to be at least a second quicker if not more.

Trying to get a good launch with a stock BTL setup requires perfect rider technique & I would only attempt it using a modified BTL as my technique now would no doubt be less than perfect !! I'm way too heavy now to even contemplate having a go as you give away too much of an advantage which has to be made up with good old horsepower.

Don't forget to lower your tyre pressure, fold or remove your mirrors & BURY yourself under that screen !!! LOL

Congrats to Gboy and bigshow for a stirling effort...
Next gboy I'll wear my undies on the OUTSIDE of the leathers.
It seems to work for the thuper heroes..
I cannot wait for the next line up (Heathcote this fri??) and really want to see slowshow crack the mid 10's.
I now really miss the busa
rev, what's your definition of way too heavy? I'm 6"4' 105kg and was a bee's dick away from cracking the 10's...
I'm happy with the stock BTL setup, it was my first time out and found that about 4grand was the best area to let it go. No doubt the clutch mod would be better for the drag scene but I prefer the BTL/slipper style clutch for hammering compared to other bikes I've ridden...

Gforce, how did u find those Geeeeees ? I'm interested to know what your best 60 foot time was?? Mine was a 1.98 (could do with some workD"> )...

Thanx must also go to pete from pete's pitstop for doing an A1 job on my bike thumbs up!!

here's a link to a couple of vids from the night:

ffg vs bshow



bigshow,my best 60 foot time was 1.78,next time i go im aiming for high 9s,its going to be hard though,plan of attack is;take mirrors off,fill up half premium half av gas lower tyer presure,tuk head under screen,and rev the internals,cheers
I don't think the av gas will help if the bikes not tuned for the extra octane.

Why don't we organize a ride up to Heathcote for those who are interested in doin the drags. Im only 65kg and would love to see what sort of time a lighter person gets.

go to for some unreal photos of friday night
pics from calder are up on:

here's a couple of vids from the burnout comp:
Gemini burnout
VK burnout
Oh yes...the gauntlet has been thrown...
Or in gboys case..the gimp glove
Friday week at calder is sure to be superhero day with both
the infamous slowshow and gboy wonder giving
(oops), I mean going, Head to Head.
Meanwhile, I'm going to muster up some more gixxer thou clowns
and see what we can do. Unfortunately, the thou is NO match for
the mighty busa. Might have to shoot down to uncle balls to
unleash the tiger...
nice pic flipper, r u the new pinup boy for cafe 'posuer' (or is that cafe racer??)
Sorry freddie,u will need more than uncle balls to whip the mighty busa.
Do any of you guys lower the bike for drags or run stock height?


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