06 hayabusa
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i think that this is the most reasonable interpretation yet.

Dont know about looks though, i H8 how its taken styling form the K5 1000

If there is something wrong with it, the solution is always " MORE HORSEPOWER"
I dont think 2006 is the big change more like 2007,thats a wisper I herd from a Suzuki rider/racer. Cheers,
does anyone know if us Aussies are able to get hold of the limited edition 2005 Hayabusas that they have in the US? Anyone import them? Edited by: Haemaglobin at: 19/8/05 4:59 pm
I like it. Natural progression I suppose. Also it'll get the wags off it's back who constantly criticise it's looks.

Furthermore, lots of cool 99-05 cheap secondhanders on the market. I'll be looking for a second bike at some point.
Hi there,

Dont like the GSXR1000 K5 look, dont like the fact that they have done away with "SUKUKI" on the tank. Anyway the original 99-00's were the fastest and 7 years later they are still the fastest. Wonder how far the safetycrats will let the mighty bus off the leash.

BTW I want my 2007 with 200RWHP please. Then I'll buy!!

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
They put S on the tank because they can't spell
may be they spell it Sukuki in Kiwiland
Cheers Robert

".... Just when I was getting used to yesterday, "along comes today!!...."
the limited edition one they show on the suzuki website is really nice. Id like one o' dem...

Guess Id have to import it though.Could be costly

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