MRE Clutch
Standard clutch has problem. Locks up, making bike wheel stand.
So first time I went drag racing, was too timid.
Solution, buy MRE clutch!
Second time drag racing, drop clutch, get going quite well, then pulled my first wheel stand! Bugger. Not a very good time but at least this time I didn't hit the rev limiter.
Second run, after talking to expert. Expert two bikes in front, end up doing enormous wheel spin and nearly looses it. Not me!
Try a smoorther take off, front goes in the air again (this is easy stuff!!). This time, instead off making rude noises in the helmet, went for second and drilled it. Wheel spin!!! No wonder the guy is saying the track is slippery! Slower time.
Third run. Old hand now, try a really smooth run, don't nail it etc until it's really hooked up. 0.001 sec slower than first run!!
Still a mile off 10sec, but nobody seemed to be able to get a fast one, so don't feel too bad.
Ah well, have to wait for spring now.
The clutch seems OK, but it doesn't have a very positive "point" of take up. Maybe the dreaded flex is to blame, no brace fitted yet
What a hoot. Bit embarassing not getting under 10sec, but I won the second and third races, even though they got off much quicker. Once the head of steam was up, it ran them down!!
Woo hoooo. Silly old farts rules eh?
Just takes practice,
I'm not even sure if i fully release the clutch in 1st at std length and height, and if the horizon dissapears behind the screen short shift to second .
As long as your having fun
I must admit, it was great, and while I have to wait a couple of months now, it will be worth it.
Kids today can have so much fun on world class machinery on world class tracks. When I was a lad, it was early hours of the morning on Nortons and they, whatever you may have heard did NOT handle really, really well. Bit hard when you see bikes that you rode as a juvenile delinquent now polished and sitting in collections!
Sorry I missed it Bear

But I went on an end of financial year tool buying splurge,
probably just as much fun as you had

QUOTE: Lack of power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability.

One other Busa turned up. Silver and blus. Had a dinged tank and a bit of bark off both sides. Didn't find the rider though.
who did you get your clutch from and how much
Bought it over the net from Schnitz Racing. They have a web site. Not sure if this was too smart, and maybe they are available locally. By the time you add freight and customs/duty, it's quite expensive. I say that because they also list a clutch brace and the same thing is available throughPete's Pitstop (fatserfaster) and cheaper. Would pay to shop around. From memory, aprt from the list price, there was nearly US$60 freight plus AU$90 customs and duty. But the item is well made and fits exactly. You need a 30mm socket and a big bar, I used a torque wrench. Otherwise the rest is 8mm, 10mm and 12mm stuff. Just wack it in gear and lock the back wheel with the brake. Oh, delivery was very quick, matter of three or four days into DHL Sydney, then another to my place in Perth.
Hayabusa clutches ?

My previous bike was a VMAX, it had the BEST clutch for quick getaways you could ask for. My mates on their busas didn't have a hope in hell (off the mark)

Quick takeoff's ? yeah, practice makes perfect & a 43 tooth sprocket helps a lot too.
Next time you import use the USPS (US postal service)
get it sent registered ,for something like the clutch pieces you would be paying ~$20US it would arrive at your post office in 3-7 days and if dutys are applicable you pay there without the "processing fees" the freight companys charge
Also for most motorcycle parts there should be no import duty (exhausts are hit duty as there is an australian industry to protect)

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