Crime DOES pay !!
A mate of mine drives for an interstate transport mob.

Recently he parked his prime mover in a quiet industrial estate in NSW to get some sleep. (Or so he thought) During the early hours he gets woken up by some loud noises.

He looks out of his sleeper cab expecting to see a car crash but see's some burglars ramming a roller door with their ute a couple of blocks up the road His mobile phone wasn't getting a signal so he quietly slipped out of his rig & ran 700 metres up to the main road to alert someone.

As luck would have it a car just appeared out of nowhere So, dressed in his obligatory blue singlet, blundies & shorts he waves frantically at the coppers Do they stop ?
no, they just keep going

He then decides to cool his heels & wait for the crooks to finish their "business" & get back to sleep

The ers must have had a report of P platers doing burn outs somewhere, pays much better obviously & then there's nasty paperwork etc
That's NSW though

I'm sure the would have stopped for a working class man in a blue singlet and shorts in Vic?

Why do truckies all were blue singles and were shorts???
One of lifes little mysterys.....

They could have been out to get a rambunctious bike rider that was speeding???

The here in Vic are too busy releasing criminals at the moment...

Yeah that sums it up Rev.
Gdy Why do truckies all wear blue singletes and shorts...
they don't now that the Nazi Party made them all look like dickheads and wear Bright green fluro clothing...hahaha what a joke.
Someone said on radio today that Australian Gov is turning into the Mother Gov...always knowing what is best for us...isn't that just sweet.
Z Web World

Blast ya horn when going past a manned speed camera.
Let them know you're not happy!

You can make a difference!
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Mother government,yeah mother f#*ker government! Phuck its the phantom!
Yeah, Rev, I've heard this one before. There's a simple explanation. See, just down from there is a krispy kream that closes about that time and they give away all the unsold donuts. Now, as luck would have it, the chief of police has a fetish for hot jam and sprinkles, and heaven help anyone who gets in the way of that, even if they're wearing the chiefs other fetish clothing (blue singlets and stubbies).

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