New options for Big Brother.
Sick of the reality TV hype. Here are some new options for the BB house.

Im waiting for them to turn the BB House into a gas chamber and save the gene pool. Then and only then will I start watching the detritus that sadly seems to be palmed off on us all as "Entertainment".

Ahhh I can see it now,

Call 555-1234 to Gas the house


Call 555-1235 to export the whole lot to Bali with herion suppositories up their freckles


Call 555-1236 to export the whole lot to Moe/(insert your favorite westie/bogan town here) and release them back into their natural habitat where we can observe them on telly hosted by steve irwin. (Another great Australian icon.....just after Russell Crowe) Regards
You wouldn't wish that load of cretins on poor old Moe would you ?

I reckon it's a form of perversion with a dash of voyeurism thrown in, sick pups all of em

Should send in the flying squad ers to truncheon the lot of the wiffie hippie fucks
I F%^&in rang that number and nuffin happened!!
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaate that show..
Keep trying DJ

If I was running the show I would style it more on georle Orwells 1984 where the term Big Brother really came from. We could play with biological clocks, subject them to chinese water torture, and work them 16hrs a day on some fruitless backbreaking task ie start a coal mine or something.

Otherwise we need to send the message......order the gas cylinders. Regards
I hate big brother too:"> but there is an easy solution hot busa, if it really bugs you that much there is an easy solution,its called the remote control. Phuck its the phantom!
Love the show myself. Don't mind a bit of voyeurism. Refuse to vote or hand over money, but watch the show nonetheless.

Quality TV.

BTW the loudest naysayers are the biggest closet fans. How do you know it's so bad if you don't watch it. Ahem...
What's BB? I thought it was a style of gun/rifle that uses compressed air to discharge a little pellet that really hurts unless your wearing a couple of yellow pages books as armour. -385-
Hi Rod,

It doesnt get me angry, it's just a sure fire way to stir the pot. In fact Rev has a great idea there, they could build a big grandstand so everybody could see into the BB house. knock down the internal walls, and then sell tickets to the public to shoot them with BB guns. Awesome, I can see a tax dodge coming up already.


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