'05 busa
Hey team

Does anyone have any information (credible) about the '05 busa? I've heard a lot of rumour and innuendo, but can't find some solid facts. Am interested to see if they are considering a serious upgrade.

Nothing so far , but i saw the 04' on the road yesterday...Purple and black....YUK.....
Yes many are waiting for any snippets, based on purple/black maybe the next one will be pink/green. Who ever dreamt that one up at suzuki ought to be fired. For so open minded innovation with the busa theyve been pretty narrow minded with new colours. How many times have they swapped positions of the blue/silver and others.

Heidi, maybe the new R1 might get you frothing a bit no? Should be out soon. First container sold am told. Looks interesting, but youve had some experience with the R1.
Purple/Black.....mmmmmnnnnn. didn't everyone had the Copper/Gold Busa when it came out???!!!?! I want to see it now!!
There was a pic posted a couple of weeks ago but it disappeared ??
That piccy appeared to be the US version of purple/black. Theirs looked like a LOLLY! The Aus version is far more bearable (notice I didn't say good). Given the choice, I'd go straight black or plain silver. Let the bike speak for itself.

P.S. Have seen the new R1, very tasty. Am trying to conn a friend into buying it so I can ride it but keep the bus.
I've heard the 05 Busa is going to go for a better quality cheese (Blue Vein) and a lighter crust.
And there bringing back a red/black anniversary model with a crook cam chain tensioner, alum duck tail support, poxy brakes, warped front discs, dirty clutch fluid, dodgy wheel bearings, crap back torque limiter clutch, inacurate/optimistic 350 klm/h speedo just for the hard core like me that miss it so much.
Cheers, Phil. I just can't wait for the trade up.
Errrr you forgot the cracked swingarm and plastic cush drive rubbers!
Plain red with black frame.
If it's anything like the box with the red X it will probably better than the Cheesecake I'm riding now!
What were those other things we were discussing today that we like so much about the Busa's Rev???
just cant win with these pics so heres a link tho usa 04
Groupie pulling power ?

Those in the know at La Busa's say the 04 & 5 remain as is ......... stiff cheese

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