Melbourne club ride!
Your kidding Rev! I thought there was a prize for getting there first. WTF :"> Remember the free ticket to the Daily Planet?
Just kidding Peter. All you hear is the war stories. Were just a bunch of old coots (some older than others) cruising around the hills in search of the perfect latte. (Or is it corner?)
Don't forget Rev the looser of the up coming Dyno shot out foots the bill!
Cheers, Phil. Cruising not talking.
How would I know GDYUP? I've never got there first besides, I don't mind following radar bait in the least

I'll get you for that one Rev.:">
I thought Bigshow was the radar bait?
And occasionally Resac on the regular police spots.
Cheers, Phil. Come in spinner.....
Speaking of which! Who's riding and who's talking tomorrow Vic riders? A few of us will be at the usual around mid day. Unless someone changes our ride plans.
Hoping to catch up with a few tomorrow. I'll be the one at the back of the pack!
Cheers, Phil. Riding not talking.
Get me GDY your wife been feeding you tiger meat Get me a latte tomorrow & quit lying around
footpaths frightening old ladies & scaring off customers

I'm up for it, plus two definite maybe's
When/where's the dyno shoot out? Been looking for a dyno for ages that'll do bikes.

Not that my bike's done up or anything, I just wanna know.
Peter Altas
I dare not mention his business on the board for fear of excommunication. Drop me a line at and I'll give you the details Peter. Money well spent if you want every horse you can find, Giddy Up!
Cheers, Phil. Riding not hibernating.
can I guess the results?
Not a bad show considering there was a hint of moisture in the air.Hey nutsack ,where were you????

Ok this is another for the cheesecake files,strong armed gyddy manages to break the knob of his nickel plated thingo! WTF???????
Nice one Rocketman!:"> Bloody Cheesecake piece of shit!:">
Maybe the physio I'm having on the shoulder made my grip stronger!:"> Before you all start, remember the cluch lever is on the left and I'm right handed!
I've sent you the action pics taken today. (Resized for dial up)
And don't call our mate Sadsack, nutsack okay! So where were you Ratsack???
Good ride fella's.
P.S. Rocketman your due for a haircut!
Cheers, Phil. Riding not talking.
Rider abuse / technique again GDYUP, ease up mate I'd lay odds you probably hammered hell out of your toys when you were a kid too

That's a nice bream ? BigShow Did you give it a nice big tonguie & toss it back (assuming you caught it)
Negative on the bream Rev, it's not one of mine...still haven't gotten any bites yet either. Must be using the wrong lure?

What amazes me about this posting is we have had 41 replies and yet no one has posted a freakin ride,is that waffle or what????
What did u expect? A ride?
Yeah i guess that would be saking too much1

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