How fast have you taken your bike
Is that 280 or 340? Regards,
Ping: SIMMO & all other NSW members

Like most other states, NSW has jumped on the licence demerit point bandwagon with a vengeance but at least your RTA has decided to conduct an overview of the system & it's social ramifications & are now taking submissions from the public

You will find an article concerning this on page 6 of Vol 53, August 03 Australian Motorcycle News. If you have any idea's or are unhappy with perceived injustices, put it in writing & send it to:

The Manager
Licensing Policy & Projects
PO Box K198
Haymerket NSW 1238:"> :"> :"> :">
G'day space cadets
put aside one week a year and go to Lake Gairdner , go as fast as you can as many times as you like NO plods ,fines or any hassels take the challenge you may actually dig it
Yeah great Hawk, sounds good, but would we make it home before our cheesecake busa's dissolved out from underneath us from all the salt
OK, we all know that the Busa can do well into the 300's.

We also know that it only takes a brain snap for about a minute to get there on a decent surface from scratch.

I have a brain snap every, well, nearly every time I get on board. We all know it takes a bit of guts to screw it open and get the needle climbing high. But it takes alot more guts to start cornering in the high 200's and to sustain the speeds for any more than a couple of seconds.

So, what's the fastest corning speeds and on what sorts of corners can anyone admit to? (ie. something like turn one at PI on the open road, long 400 metre corners at 60 degrees or such???) And, what sort of distances has anyone sustained warp speeds at? (ie. 10 k's in 2 to 3 minutes, 20 k's in 4 to 5 minutes, 30 k's in 6 to 7 minutes, or the hay plain in ??minutes for 000k's??? damn I want to visit that area).

Comments anyone??

Here in the states for a bet, loser has to tattoo his testicles I ran from Columbus, ohio to Springfield, ohio maxed out at 202 MPH, averaged 185MPH and made the trip in 9.5 min. It was a sunday at two in the morn. Had two witnesses and a GPS. Needed it to make the 200 MPH club and win the $$$ put up.

Wouldnt do it again. Learned that when you lift above the double bubble at that rate your windscreen can fly off the helmet.

Obviously a nice straight road,iceman?
Quote:Hit 320kph on the freeway at about 5am one sunday morning, corrected speed was probably closer to 300 . It was one hell of a buzz, I'm gonna go for throttle stop next time.......hmmmm......the trip to the island sounds like a good place. (just got to pick my moment)...

If you mean the track itself, no, the island ain't the place. I doubt you would get the busa up to 300 indicated there. Luc, am I correct on this?

Best I've done is about 280 on the Island track, 300 elsewhere.
I meant the trip down to the Island Scotty, very hard for a road bike to hit 300 down the straight on our tracks.....only ever managed 297 on my race bike down eastern creek's straight. (had a micro lens strapped to the tank) during the superbike series some of us had on board camera's, you need good drive out of the last few corners to be able to max out...

There's some good back roads on the way to the island....hehehehehe
Oh yea it's an interstate highway that spans from Maine (eastcoast) to Utah (westcoast). So in my neck a da woods it's just a runway. In fact we have two instances where fighter planes had to use it to land due to in flight problems. If it werent for the overpass/bridges a 777 could land on it. Would be tight but better chance of living.

300 speedo speed on the Mornington Peninsula freeway. Some great long stretches on that highway, can see a long way ahead. Cops love that hgwy but guess I got lucky or he didnt bother.

Umm Disclaimer, I take no responsibility for above post, my rubber ducky takes all responsibility and has since said illegal event left the country, umm on mass migration of rubber duckys to Africa umm return date 2020.
I know what you mean Volvi

I can tell the tale of one particular busa owner who recently happened to be riding with a TOG on a ZX9, but time slipped away and they were running a bit late to pick up their kids from school weren't they ended up sitting on anything from 240 to 260 on the double lane freeway all the way from Woodend to Gisborne. Says it was the longest, bestest high speed run he has ever done
Yeah 280 indicated at phillip island is about right, was gettin around 290 indicated but the speedo is low on the list of priorities when you're lookin for the turn point at T1...the kink before honda and around the hayshed would be my prefered high speed corners...
Ever tried hanging off the bike at 250+?? I recall a ride with Gdyup and was an experience
Yeah! That was some racetrack, eh Bigshow?
Must make another day of it. (As soon as my shoulder heals ) Get rid of that 43 tooth sprocket and we'll really open it up...
Cheers, Phil. Recovering and resting, not riding.
Phil, what's happened to the shoulder man? dont say you've come a gutsa on the machine......................... never ......

ah well the share portfolio in Nickel hopefuly is paying good dividends!!!!!!!!

hope ya on the mend whatever the problem.... not ya right arm is it??

regards Gaz

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