Disaster in the rain last night...
I know others are in the same boat as me, so I'm posting this as a warning.

Went to Liverpool from Sydney last night. Bone dry in Sydney, not a cloud in the sky. Went passed the airport entered the tunnel, loving the ride as the temperature was warmer than it had been in ages. Thirty metres from the tunnel's exit, I opened my eyes in awe. It was absolutely pissing it down. From one end of the tunnel to the other I'd entered the twilight zone.

It was like a bucket being tipped over my head. I had the Dunlop wheel on, (the Bridgestone that matches the front was at home in the gararge), so I was nervous never having mixed tyres in the wet. It's dark on the M5, and rain was cutting my vision down considerably. It was that bad that many cars were only doing 50km on a 110km road, so I saddled up behind them.

At my destination I was just happy to have arrived in one piece, and dumped my wet stuff quickly to put the ride behind me. Unfortunately in the morning, the full extent of the damage became clear in the light of day. My soaking clothes and leathers were the least of my problems. On examining my helmet I found that the free bullet holes I received recently, and used to cover over the huge chips, had not taken to the heavy rain very well at all.

Summer might help, but I don't think they'll last beyond Easter if I'm very, very lucky.
hey throwdown

you got me all teary eyed now ...... just send me your address again and a new lot will be on its way mate......

I too had a disaster recently. After owning one of our cloth club patches for about a year, I finally glue it onto my leather jacket. The next day I went for a 150km ride at a good speed. Only to discover the patch had blown off 80km into the journey! Regards,
You recon' that's bad, Rev and I went for a ride to Yea yesterday and got the polished wheels and all the nickel plating dirty riding in the rain!
P.S. Also lost half a bullet hole on the helmet.
Double disaster...
Cheers, Phil. Riding not hibernating.
Tossdown :You're in one piece, so's your bike, what disaster would that be ? Sounds like you did good

Bit nippy yesterday GDYUP wasn't begrudging you those trick hot grips of yours must have been cold, didn't see another bike Just another day at the office for a couple of trained soldiers eh GDY

Not looking forward to cleaning
That's it Rev. Riding not talking. That's the first time i've ever been to Yea and not seen another bike...
But I did have trouble focusing at one stage?
The grips were steamin'. Best mod on the cheesecake bike. 172 RWHP mean shit if the pinky's are freezing. Ha!
Wait till I roll out the next mod, that will freak everyone out hey Rev?
Cheers, Phil. Riding not hibernating...
Thanks Les, I'll take 'em. I'm in between houses at the moment until I move to the Blue Mountains, so it's probably best to send them to my work.

S. Magloire
PO BOX 324
Kings Cross

I haven't dropped my bike in about 20 years, so this is a disaster to me. Trouble is, I'm only delaying the inevitable. This helmet, unlike the bike, has been dropped loads of times, and really should be replaced.

I forgot the dirty polished wheels, but they can always be put right. I'm with GDYUP on the heated hand grips. Getting some asap. Any recommendations on brand? I'm looking into heated clothing as well.
Les: Got 'em today. Thanks heaps. I'll get another year out of that helmet yet.
Stop worrying about mods GDY & let Ol Doc Sawbones get on with the job I told you to have it off ages ago Just be a good boy & if some hottie in white offers you some pink shit in a glass for the pain, DRINK IT MAN ! You'll be fine, trust me

Dr Sawbones hacked into my shoulder on Thursday. Ouch.
Hurts like a bastard! What hurts even more is it's a beautiful day outside and l'm talking not riding.
Be a while before l fire up the Busa again. Gives me time for the next mods, eh Rev...
Cheers, Phil. Talking not riding...
Don't envy you GDY but a "young" bloke like you should get over it pretty quick I wouldn't go pulling those weights for a while though

Mods ? yeah yeah, we'll do your steering damper next so your front wheel will stay straight (or something ) when you're on the back wheel


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