Next years Busa ride, were?? suggestions please.
Sounds great Ray, absolute best rides in that area! No matter where it is next year I will be there- bar Cairns or Tassie!!!!
I'd rather ride to Tassie. I found years ago that once past Harvey Bay ..Northern Queensland was a pretty boring ride...
I'm not sure I know what you mean by North QLD Gazza?
Nymboida is in NSW.
I'm confused.
If you want to go to Tassie, I think March is the only dryish month of the year. Loved it last time I was there though.

Mate, if you can ride to Tassie you must be related to JC
Busgo, yer I was referring to a trip to Cairns

Rev02.. you mean you and Giddeee cant part water!!!!!! now thats BS

This board has great expectations of you 2
How would the mexicans feel,if they were to ride an extra 500 klms up north?? to say the Oxley Hwy surrounding areas. Cheers,
Mate, after I get my coot bars & road kill seat I'll ride to the moon & back with you

I've heard & read a lot about this Poxley Hwy, it better be good

Where would we be camped

Well I've passed plenty of water (& other beverages ) Gazz, especially last Saturday night

Parting water is something I'll leave to the biblical heroes.

Ever seen a bike rooster tail of water blown at right angles by the wind ?

I hadn't until last weekend Edited by: rev 01 at: 9/12/05 11:11 pm
Like I said Ray alternate each year, North of Sydney, South of Sydney and maybe even West of Sydney.

Bloody Sydney

The only thing about the Oxley is that it wouldnt be a loop like Jindy unless you include Thunderbolts or Waterfall Way as Busgo suggested which would make it a big day and some time on the Pacific Hway.

If we go up over to Walcha and back its 350 klms from Port Macquarie, or just to the top and back its about 200 klms.

Would have to be Tassie wouldn't it ? Like it's real Busa country ...................wide fast big sweepers that sweep and sweep some more Been there over fifty times and hasn't bored me yet The trip over and back on the boat allows plenty of time for the bench racing and then when the ship docks ...........the bullshit stops and the fun begins. Jan Feb would be the best months weather wise, remember one trip did in may was raining as i left the boat and still raining five days later as i rode back on the boat. Travelled one hundred and forty K and then had to stop and hire a motel room to shower and dry out..................unpack all the bags and take them down to the laundry and dry them .................shit sounds like a weekend in Jindy Had three sets of gloves and kept alternating them as i dried them on the motor .................or wait I think in one case it was fried them on the motor.
Yep Tassies great ,but if you want to talk busa country,you gotta say central Aussie.No probs with and NO speed limits.That way you can all join the 300 club. ............and find out who really does own the fastest busa,militec or not! Phuck its the phantom!Edited by: rocket rod 7777  at: 9/12/05 11:40 pm
NT may have no speed limit, but also has no corners (does it?)
Fast but potentially boring...
Worth a go i.m.h.o. Wouldn't mind winding out the Busa...
gee, all those rides sound good to me, can we do more than 1 ride a year ! I'd love to do Tassie
Tassie or Jindy again at a warmer month.
Weather has to be a big priority.
f*** I get depressed when it rains at home let alone ride in the shit... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
I love the roads in Tassie but I don't think it is a suitable venue for a club get together. The logistics are impossible.
If we don't make the convention somewhere other than Jindy you will never get others to attend, especially those further north than Newcastle and West than Adelaide.
If we don't change the venue it will fade away to just a get together for the one's that want to go back every year.
Except of course new members who will go at least one time if they can.

My 2c worth.

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