Next years Busa ride, were?? suggestions please.
Thank you very much Rev for those kind words, they are much appreciated, yes i have tried to make a good package for riding and performance, as i cant ride the litre bikes they brake my arse and also they dont carry a passenger very well. Cheers,
Guys I had an awesome time and I would pretty much go anywhere it was held, even Jindy.

It was a shame we experienced bad weather, would have been great to ride those roads when they were dry, like Sunday. I guess thats the trouble with planning an event around one day of the year.

We all know we will never find a spot to suit everybody, but I propose maybe alternating the venue midway between NSW and VIC one year, QLD and NSW the next.

That way the diehards have one long trip every 2 years namely those from VIC and QLD. Hang on bloody NSW gets it good every year, oh well, that seems to be where the good roads are!

I know it doesnt help much for those in other states but we dont have a lot of choice the way I see it,

Busgo also suggested Wagga which wouldnt be too bad for us QLDers and not too bad for NSW and VIC.

Anyway open to suggestions as long as its not wet, the roads are equal of Jindy and we are able to get a decent feed for a fair price.


What about the roads out at Broken Hill?
Does anyone know if they're a good ride?
(I'm not just taking the piss, I just figured it would be a better chance of getting SA NT and WA people over)
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Employee of the Year
Easyrider Imports

Yeah i know Jindy has great roads etc,but to be honest,im a bit over the weather that it throws up at us and besides,this is the 4th trip ive done to Jindy.2 with the busa club and 2 with the Honda club.I'll put my hand up for Queensland. Phuck its the phantom!
somewhere it wont rain???
You have f****d it completely Gforce , now no matter where we ride it will piss down on us.
Coffs is an awesome area with the Oxley being reasonably close, I'd stay away from Wagga as some of the worst traffic guys in Aussie work there, they even book each other - or so the story goes Jindabyne, being in the Snowy Mountains will and can rain and get cold at any time. The safest time being March to very early April. Anywhere near the main roads will bring the coppers , can we ride hard with everyones licence well and truly up for grabs anywhere near the coast?
All just thoughts guys.

The bike will be at Actions in Canberra by Thursday along with Shredder's monster, then I may ind out why the old girl just stopped so suddenly.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
"It was a shame we experienced bad weather, would have been great to ride those roads when they were dry, like Sunday. I guess thats the trouble with planning an event around one day of the year."

Top weekend.

Missed nearly all the bad weather on the ride up Friday. Just managed to keep ahead of it(even if meant skipping lunch 'till Threadbo.

Saturday just vegged about Jindy, couple of Lattes, nice lunch, and a couple bottles of red.

Sunday, did the loop road home thru Cabrumurra. It was awesome, fantastic weather and met up with about 30 other bikes from another group heading south.

Will definitely be in for the one next year(work depending)
Liked the idea that was throw around of Port Stephens. Not much of trip for the Sydney or Newcastle guys, but central and a great day ride could be organised from there.

The other group we met up with on the way home lost a member. But they were conscious of their numbers.
Just as well.
One of them had had an accident and had to be choppered to Canberra with compound fractures.

- Made the local news -

It was a shame we experienced bad weather, would have been great to ride those roads when they were dry, like Sunday. I guess thats the trouble with planning an event around one day of the year.


Just the one mention of it as a destination and a storm rips the shit out of it.

Ref: tonight's news.

SES has 2 million calls for help.

Can't wait to see what happens to it if it gets up as a destination.

Great roads all around there too. Just can't imagine what a big red feels like as a speed hump with altitude.

Best time of year is about Sept/Oct for mid 20's temperatures, shit even the Ulysses turn up then.

Oh and if we all want to look at Coffs Harbour, why not have all the work done for us by the Ulysses as well ? Their 2007 AGM is being held there - link below
WHo have we got in hospital in Canberra? Is he still there? Max and I will go visit if he is.


P.S. Don't worry Max, I'll give you a dink.
well you know - nothing ventured nothing gained


"Any day above ground is a good one"
Broken Hill is interesting but for a weekend..ummmm unless you stayed with Chris Fraser at SilverTown..

Hunter sounds good too as there are many facilities to cater for the "masses".

I've ridden to Cairns once before in 3 days -- couldnt and wouldnt do it now.

Are we back to Tassie??
Didn't they make the movie "Stone" out Broken Hill way

Spot on Max re Wagga cops: The bloke I bought my bike off lives there & he posted a story of a local cop doing a runner & getting chased & collared by another

Ride priorities should be :

In that order Edited by: rev 01 at: 7/12/05 10:40 pm
Is there still a ferry from Syd to the apple isle??
Would give the option of riding or doing it easier.
$$$$ for the ferry from Sydney. Cheers,
I made quite a few suggestions about alternatives at Jindy and live right between the Hunter Valley and Port Stephens.
There are some great roads in the Hunter but the prices are being pushed up by the Sydney day trippers market.
I think I could still find a suitable venue if we wanted to though.
I also mentioned a terrific venue closer to QLD at NYMBOIDA on the Waterfall Way between Grafton and Armidale.
This area is bounded by the Oxley, Pacific and the Gwyder Highways and is smack in the middle of a terrific riding area.
There is a venue very simillar to the Station but smaller. I could check it out if anyone is interested and even suggested that I might host a get together there early next year if anyone can make it.
I will get prices and availability details and post them up as a ride in the New Year.

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