Time to get out of State...
Just saw on the news that they're cracking down on non-payers of traffic tickets in Victoria.

Coming up to date with licence suspensions, as in NSW, seems fair enough, but deducting money from salaries, even selling your property seems a bit much.

Glad I've paid mine within the hour, most of the time.
Maybe if they were'nt so outrageously rip off high & tied to inflation the average worker might be able to pay the f***kers

Come on If "we" stopped voting the pooftas in we be in the clear................

Just wait until the Sheriff starts knocking at the door. I'll draw you a picture. YOUR f****d!!!!

End of story...............
Hey,i never voted for any of the f***kers,either side
Last time i voted,it was for the national growers party,now put that in your pipe and smoke it. Phuck its the phantom!
Quote:Just wait until the Sheriff starts knocking at the door. I'll draw you a picture

Lost your dog Rocket??

Riding not Polishing...
Nothing outstanding on my file , no cahns will be knocking on MY door

I have been to a Sherriff's auction though !!

Got myself a brand new $750 German cutlery set for $220
Great dane, ,i reckon busa would have a go at that too. Phuck its the phantom!
Sounds like a plan
He can't get MY kids money, they all have houses now but he's got his greedy eyes on yours, even 's

History always has a way of repeating itself & that mob always bites the hand that feeds it, you can count on it

He's getting unheard of income from massive GST returns courtesy of the Federal Gov't (that they were all against ) massive income from gambling taxes, the stamp duty outrage on first home buyers (that was supposed to be dropped after GST) , massive fines to motorists etc & it's still not enough to feed the boilers of government wasteful expenditure

Now he's going to bring in a "development tax" on blocks of land that will add another $10,000 to the price of an average

The shiny arsed army of public servants employed by Bracks sit around all day & cook up schemes like these & all the others to recoup the wages spent on them (with interest now it seems).

And you reckon I voted for em

When hell freezes up matey

German cutlery set....
Yeah Rev may have been cheap but isn't it a little embarrassing with those swas stickers all over 'em?

perhaps he plans to cater for holocaust dinner parties
Nah DJ, I filed em off & nickeled em, once a cheap skate, always ........
..............how many seats in the microwave Rev ?

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