Burn outs, mono's, traffic light drags etc or 45 k over the limit & now you're officially a hoon !
Impending legislation will see Vic now falling into line with other Labour states on their hoon laws. Is that right rum corps boys (Kawa & co) & banana benders ??? Do you blokes have them ?
Now if you lapse to limit + 45 k's the copper issues a speeding infringement then refers the alleged hoon offence to his superintendent who then decides (on cops advice) whether you fall into a hoon category or not
If so, on the first offence they will lock your bike up for 48 hours & it will be removed to storage by contractor. You will then have to pay costs of $300 to retrieve said bike & pay for usual plasics damage caused by contractor yourself.
2nd offence, 3 months, 3rd offence & goodbye bike/car etc.
Anything to add Bre ?
i have something to add.... f%^%$%$&$^&$ COPS & F$%%*
Rod & Janette
then it will be time to move to tassie great roads at least.
I'm with you Rod,dodgey no plate next time and wont be stopping,F$%^&*@#g C^%$&ts.One day the public will turn on the coppers. Ronnie
I think most of the Vic members are pretty safe
1. To be caught speeding wouldn't you have to get out and ride???
2. "If" one did get out and ride wouldn't one have to accelerate past 100 klms/h to be caught speeding???
You do the math!
Same up here boys. Been her a while. And dont talk about getting Square with the pricks,they will just say you could have terrorist tendencies and they will take the lot off you.
NSW loves this law.
In one weekend alone in Newcastle, they confiscated 18 cars and 1 bike.
Mind you, they only look for them in built up areas and generally set up a sting on known events.
It has been reported though that a guy had his car taken for doing a squeelie away from the lights without exceeding the speed limit.
That would be F @#@#$%$%^^^&%$#@!#%$N right
what the numb nuts have yet to work out,is all they are doing is creating so much hatred and anger towards F#$$^*n coppers and pollies, that sooner or later the aust public will be pissed off enough to actually do something about it.
They want to hope the anger doesn't build too much. In the U.K It cost them more to maintain cameras than they raised through speeding infridgments.
In aust it is encouraging people to remove or steel number plates or run. And what I realy love is that we are paying (our $50 on our reg.) for the C%$%S to buy newer faster bikes to catch us on.
ALL HAIL BRACKSY F$^^&^n ASS HOLE, HITLER IS BACK . got to stop him before the gas chambers are built
Rod & Janette
Edited by: dirt bags 05 at: 29/10/05 5:11 pm
Your right mate, but thats what they want, they want you to hate them that much that you will do somthing that you're not suppose to do,and them the will bring in new laws that will combat THOSE WHO DISOBEY they will start to call you a terrorist. I know what I would like to do,,, Cheers,
The bad news is that it is going to get much worse. One of the early pointers that government is setting up to do really unpopular things by the public is that they start taking guns off the public. Eventually all firearms will be illegal. watch jackboot Johnny stretch his luck then. Have a look at the new anti-terror laws, even Bracks and co think they are over the top. Slow and steady will see all of our freeedoms put at risk.
Come the revolution.
Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Get involved
Will you be there?
Great isn't it? WA has had Hoon laws for a while now. What a great country! Where else can you get a government to issue you with an official title of "Hoon"!
Yep, same up here Rev but really "whatayaexpect"
We said f*** all when they took our guns away..........we said f*** all when they brought in the "hoon" laws, and we said f*** all when the current terrorist legislation was drafted. Not to mention f*&^ing speed cameras. You just watch if all 3 don't bite us in the arse.
There has been a bit of speed camera smashing up in Qld recently and the other night this politician wanker stood up on TV and said "Of course the tax payer has to pay to repair the breakages" Nevermind that the tax payer didn't want the f*&^ing things in the first place.
Wake up Australia, the politicians are f*&^ing this country and I for one have had a guts full.
"Cunning and treachery will triumph over youth and skill"
I think I just kicked open a bull ant's nest
I agree Chopper, i wish we had here, like militia in the US. Cheers,