Lawyer needed
Jesus Peter thats some list of injuries mate,sorry to hear.All the best to you and get well soon.
Thanks all, don't know if I ever saw one of the angels, but hope she was cute!! Memory was wiped at accident!

Trying to gain some weight back again... lost about 9-11kg they estimate, and was just standard before hand.

Thanks ACBOOSA. I will get in contact soon. The other parties insurance company just contacted me, and wants to assess my bike, but their car being from NSW and insurance co. from there, makes life hard. Only just started today with 1st day free to get things rolling, and now I can sit upright, with left leg touching ground, and right arm typing - middle leg supports me when "nurses" are around and sponge bathing me!! ....will go and sort out more details now... crazy times!
Sounds like your in a bit of a mess Pete ,what sort of recovery time are you looking at?Thank god for spounge baths Phuck its the phantom!
Thanx Rocket!! .... Recovery time of about 4 months, then maybe able to return to work as mechanic in 6 months total! Lost all energy and mobility and agility. Ironically was working for LifeFlight at the time rebuilding their emergency evac helicopters for their mechanical side of things! Crashed only a km away from helipad, but still never got airlifted!! Don't blame them - I was on the road for 1.5hrs while they tried to figure out if I was going to live, and then cut thru peak hour traffic to the Alfred.

Apparently I upset many drivers wanting to get to work that morning. Blocked off all access to city and West Gate Fwy from southern side of city unless your near Kings way! Crazy, but I'll live. In parents care now, no nurses, but good home cooked meals for the next few months

Thanks Graham (1hotbusa) for all your efforts
Best wishes with your recovery Aero...

I for one realise that one's health is paramount...

A near death (Or a few) experience brings one to ones senses. Life is good. Family is important. And best mates are the best... All the typed words won't make you feel better. Stay focused and be positive. You will get better and your mates and family will still be there.

As for riding. @#%$! Why do I bother. I know I have a problem. But I'm unwilling to seek help???

Time might heel. But one never forgets............

God Bless You, Phil.
No problems mate.

I'm working through some accident stuff now, and by law you dont actually need to let them see the bike. All you need is either a quote for repairs or a pre crash valuation ie redbook and then you can serve a letter of demand on Mr Stupid or his insurance company.

Keep in touch mate, let me know if I can help.

Graham Regards
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Contact the mraa ask for
Grace Placentio details.
she is a lawyer that specilises in motorcycle accidents.
she has re tried cases that have been come and gone and won for the rider.
personally I cant stand the bitch , but she knows her shit and she gets results !
Thanx Groberts. I will email her soon.... but I have to let things settle first. You may ask why, but everyday I am finding out more about everything, my body injuries and the accident. The assessor turned up here to assess my bike, and told me of certain accident criteria that I was unaware of. INTERESTING......
Anyway, was at the Alfred Hospital today and found out that most of my muscles had been torn off my spinal bones. Apparently they can't re-attach them, but they reach out and grab the pointy east-west bone bits like octupus tenticles and attach themselves. WEIRD
Anyway, the assessor wil take my bike soon from my house... wil only get $400-$800 for it at the wreckers... So will post pics soon. There is no rush, as my medical case will be going for months, and insurance said no payout for ages yet... and whether I decide to sue?! All in the pipeline, and when I can drive again in the future to get to meetings

Man, I'm hanging to get back on the bike.... BUT people will kill me if so!! They will think I'm nuts ...As do most people look at me while I crawl around the Alfred!! I thought I was good compoared to sum, but even the patients in wheelchairs stop drooling, go silent and look as I pass them!!
fark Aero, just wanna say on behalf of all on the Board we ARE thinking of you.
Sing out if we can help in any way whatsoever. Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

grace is also an expert when it comes to TAC claims , in getting you everything you are entitled too.

I wish you all the best .
if you need to get hold of me for any reason

I now have my Bike FOR SALE in the "buy/sell/swap" section. There are some pics of my accident there, but here are some more....

Fuel Tank moved - groin and pelvis left a "memorable" imprint!!

Bike hit the front passenger door thru a T-Bone. My body did the rest to the car!!!!

Tore the solid door hinges off a Ford Falcon and split weld seams

1 of my braces - on 24/7 - this is after 3 weeks - just got brace off! Tore every muscle off my spine from T1-T8, and fractured every Thorasic bone. Will take a year to heal!

Hospital days in the Alfred with the "Air Ambulance" teddy bear!

The Spine Protector in my jacket that saved my life! When the paramedic cut-it off, he told me LUCKY FOR IT !!!! Apparently I was left on side of road for 1 hour as they tried to stabilise me... didn't know if I was going to live?!!

The Montague St intersection when it happened. Apparently I caused traffic chaos that morning?!! Example of me following the silver car in right lane when example of ute pulled out in front!

Peter .... still in my Superman outfits and full of steel!!
Shit Pete,
I hope things are slowly coming good.
Amazing pics...
I might be looking for one of those back protectors now....
That is very nasty, glad you are on the road to recovery. Best of luck with it.

I am buying a spine protector this weekend too after seeing that.

Highlights the importance of protective gear.

Many has been the time, I've come off the M4 in the summer only to cook in my leathers in Parramatta traffic, but if it only saves you once it's worth it...having a shower at work helps too.

Back protector is on my 'must do' list.
Luckily I was wearing all my gear that morning (was bloody cold on way to work at 7am riding up Beach Rd in July too!). 2 hours later, the Paramedic brought me too, asked to cut my riding ger off me... My answer "GO FOR IT!!" .......>Well, a while later he comes back in the Op Theatre, stands at end of table, and holds up my Spine Protector. He must have been going through my clothing, and unzipped it from the back of my jacket. He holds it up, and says "This saved your life Mate!!", stares at me for a few seconds in silence, then walks away - major reality check went whoosh! Bloody sure did, especially after my back and body did all the damage to the roof!

I've never been a leathers person, rather choosing the sweat free Codura/Dainese/Dri-Rider/Gore-Tex stuff. Easier to clean too. Purchased the jacket at the Peter Stevens city fire sale, and thought that jacket was awesome, looked the part, but protection everywhere but the back. Salesman showed me the Spine Back Protectors, and fitted me my size one. $800 jacket, with an $80 spine protector. BEST MONEY EVER SPENT!!!! ....And was riding to Perth the following week, so thought I might hit a Roo on the Busa! But must say felt weird at 1st, but it shaped to my back and never knew it was there! ...Now the new ones click in or velcro in, where as mine sat inbetween jacket outer skin, and fabric inner lining, and positioned itself beautifully every time!

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