Anybody here made a Streetfighter/naked Busa?
I maybe interested in this path in the future - maybe....just interested to see if anybody else has done it - I know its been done in Europe and the US.....
Watch ghostrider 3.
As for around here... i havnt seen one. Theyre all bling bikes, so no one would dare take a fairing off!
Thats a Busa with no fairings isnt it. I've seen a couple of those around, but they usually happen on the convention, or at the Creek. Hand me the keys to yours and I'll see what I can do

Seriously, there was something in Rapid a wee while back about some guy sticking Busa motors into a standard frame. You could probably do it to an old Bandit if you were very keen. At least the frame is steel so you can weld on it.

The 'Donut King stunt guys' have a street fightered turbo busa...

Hi Chris

I am a big fan of Streetfighters and was also interested in converting mine into one when a friend politely pointed out "Why would you want to convert a 300 kmh bike into a 200 kmh bike!"

I was hopeing to be able to switch it from one guise to another but if you have ever looked at an unfaired Busa there are lot of parts including wiring you need to tidy up to make it look decent, no chance of converting it back. For me not a good idea on a new bikea and then there was always the issue of resale if I ever have to sell.

For me I decided my money was better spent on other things to trick my bike up and maybe consider the B-King if it ever arrives! If something ever happened to my bike, I might reconsider.

Aussie Streetfighters - maybe of some help!

There is one member that I know of who has done it, his name is Brett, not sure of his Login but he was a great help when I was looking into it.

Anyway that lot probably doesnt help you much as I didnt answer your question, good luck with what ever you decide!

200km/h bike?

doubt it Very Happy

you could always turbo it and wheelie past bikes doing 300km/h, Ghostrider style......

If there is something wrong with it, the solution is always " MORE HORSEPOWER"
Nick , the ones I've seen in the USA and Europe have been done very well and tastefully with some expertise.
I've seen the crap Donut bike up close and its a piece of shit incl the turbo instal.
300km/hr wheelie --- I say BS

If you have ever been a genuine 300 clicks Jessie you'll know and on a naked bike standing up--- think about it.

Ghostrider has a dodgy speedo.

Maybe a turbo'd Triumph Speed Triple might be the recipe
Jessie... didnt you notice that ghostrider used half a dozen 14 gauge steef fix screws to screw his hands to the bars so he wouldnt fall off?
You guys have got that right I reckon, lower the gearing for easier mono's and volia a happy speedo .

With the lowered gearing on my bike 17/42 the speedo goes of the end on a quarter mile run (340 kph speedo).

Spot on Gazza!
I've been calling him Dodgy speedo for years...

Good flicks, good fun. Just not that fast!

And then there's the Gixxer 750 speedo's.

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