A fellow busa rider told me a story today about people going to court in NSW (I think) to challenge traffic infringements & getting a successful outcome.
Consequently you would assume that there would be no de merit points recorded against your licence in that case right ???
WRONG !! The RTA or whoever they are decided to thumb their noses at the law & record points regardless of any court findings.
Now come on you NSW blokes, tell me that story is bullshit
Kawasuki ?????
The horn idea is simple.
If everyone blasted their horn when they went past a manned speed camera imagine
1 the noise
2 how it would be a show of solidarity
3 the media running the story if it got bad enough
4 end result is a great way to show the goverment that the public have had enough
Of course still warn others of the bastards too... Cheers,
Z Web World
Blast ya horn when going past a manned speed camera.
Let them know you're not happy!
You can make a difference!
More Info
There was an article confirming this on Current Affair on Friday night.
These days, they have too much technology on not enough common sense.
Well there you go, so it is true, a government agency treating the public it is there to serve with utter contempt out of sheer spite & malice because someone with authority ( a Magistrate) acted with justification & found against them
So even if you win, they make you lose
How long will it be before they take away our democratic rights to challenge ANYTHING ? this seems to be the first step
Hardly surprising in this day & age & that I'm afraid, is a totalitarian regime right there
You can't even fly this anymore without someone bitching about it
Interesting tactic this:
"But of course it wont go to court, because he wont know who i am because i dont wear number plates while commuting any more."
by Beestroyer?
It just happens that I dont wear my rear plate anymore on my truck, only cause it snapped off!!!
and a bloke in the BMW Club up here, who is a motorbike cop, has told me if you want to go for a blat, just leave your license plate at home.....
but cant they get ya for something else - i mean if you are in traffic, and are 'caught' (not flying by at 180mph) by plod, can they book you for not having a plate?
I have been done for obscuring plate - had a film in between the plate and protector!!!!
Its a shame we have to resort to these tactics isnt it?
good question Mick.
Come on Bee...fess up...were u fair dincum and what does happen if caught..?? Cheers,
Z Web World
Sound ya horn when going past a manned speed camera.
Let's all give them the protest blast !
You can make a difference!
More Info
I heard that Rev, won the case but still lost the points???
very funny thing that? Looks like were catching up with th el commondante Brack.
I hope
Sometimes I wonder whether the country is being run by smart people having us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it
....... Mark Twain ......
Right Rev, wouldnt it be nice to see a candidate for an independent ,say Rights for Bikes stand like the Shooters party did.
yeah, look how well the Shooters party as helped us (ex-shooter myself......... )
Yeh I know re the S/Party , but I would like to see a candidate for the bikers.
DJ, it is a good idea to sound the horn when passing a radar unit. Unfortunately it will not work across the board. People are too piss weak to do this. It is hard enough to get them to flash their lights and the only reason they do is because it is silent and they have little or no chance of being caught. I have had people tell me they would never flash their lights because it is illegal and they may get a fine. It would be 20 years since I started flashing lights and how many drivers do it now? Not bloody many, we are in the minority.
Encourage the flashing, beep if you want to but don't expect much support.
Good luck. Regards
"Cunning and treachery will triumph over youth and skill"
ac boosa,
the link werks fine.
just slow cause its 700kb
i didn't know lawyers swore!
Edited by: Djpete at: 23/6/05 17:04