Red Alert.... Stealth Cop Bike Sighted......
According to a reliable witness, a biker was seen being booked near Essendon airport by a cop who was riding a metallic green late model BMW

My witness said that the cop did not appear to be wearing any identifiable uniform

The BMW looked stock except for flashing lights mounted near or inside airducts, it also had rack & box on back
And who would be stupid enough to stop if such a vehicle was chasing you? "What cop?"
another thing we have to watch 4 now...!! Cheers,

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Rev your right.

No markings on the bike and no uniform on the cop either.

They follow you and video tape you then follow any traffic violations up later. The video is hooked up to a speedo, so the image has time/date/speed etc on the screen as well as the poor sod being filmed.

They do not attempt to pull you over. So just be aware next time your scratchin' away and see a green or blue BMW trying to keep up.

Not to much of an issue if your on a Busa though cause they won't keep up.

Stewie mac
I suppose if you weren't sure who was following, you could just pull up & spoil the candid camera show altogether

I had a candy follow me out of San Remo so I just pulled up & let him go, might have had video too, not that I was doing anything stupid, just don't like anyone following too close, especially with rubber lines & red gum brake pads
Last trip out at Bathurst at the servo heading home, we were told of cops on a Duke and Honda chasing sports bikes, it would surprise me if it was true, they run around in unmarked cars why would bikes be any different.
Cheers Robert
I think I saw this BMW this morning, just caught a glimpse as I was passing, It looked like he was booking another biker just at bourke rd exit.
I saw him thismorning too, booking a bike on the south eastern under the Macrobertson bridge, about 500m in from the 80 zone begining.

I swear, if he gets on my arse, im leaving, and will happily go to court about a green motorcycle harrassing me, and i feared for my life and it was safer to get the hell out of there rather than pull over for a phsyco with a gun wanting to upgrade his bike so suzuki.

But of course it wont go to court, because he wont know who i am because i dont wear number plates while commuting any more.
They'll get you on your own personal colour combination of leathers and helmet.

The day we all ride in black with fluro pink or green helmets the better.
I personally dont give a shit that there is another of bracks's organ grinder monkey's out there collecting more tax, I do object to them only enforcing specific laws though, from what I see this guy is targeting bikes only, while all around him there are cars & truck's breaking numerous law's and he doesnt do jack about them. I am sure that he could spend the whole day just booking b doubles for sitting in the right hand lane, tailgating, changing lanes without indicatine etc etc.
Good point Green/Gold. I've had a bike licence for 39 years & it's ALWAYS been the same, harass harass harass, even if you are obviously doing the right thing you get pulled over for "licence checks" while every other road user is ignored & now with modern technology it's a LOT worse

If you had told me 30 years ago that cops would use stealth tactics & video to shadow & spy on us like some secret Gestapo, I would have laughed & said you've had too many late nights or have been reading too much George Orwell, but alas, there it all is
How did all this slip past the civil liberty zealots ? what about invasion of privacy ? I guess this is what it really means to be "under the microscope":">

Back in the gold rush days the coppers were nick named "The Traps"..... gee, I wonder why
We saw a cop with radar at the foot of Cunningham's Gap last week end in a superceded magna.

It was just my wife's paranoia that saved us from a fine.

The other thing, we notice too few bikes flash warnings of radars. We all know these turds get thier promotions from fines so let's whack em where they hurt.

If you see a radar for Christ's sake tell everyone, even cars and trucks, because it may inspire them to reciricate the favor.

Warning flashes from cars have saved me about a million points so far.

Mike the Bike

I agree, keep flashing those lights. I do it all the time and have been saved many times as well.
What possible good can beeping your horn at them do. They will just give you the finger.
Keep them lights flashing........the best way, bar none of beating the arseholes. Regards

"Cunning and treachery will triumph over youth and skill"
Spot on Mike, we have to look after each other, I warn EVERYONE with a h/beam flash. Most cars do the same too I've noticed.
Iv'e just read on another site about a red cbr1000 in western Sydney, he has been pulling over bikes on the freeway around campbelltown.
He is wearing the bike cop uniform, and has small lights behind the screen.

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