Geeze back tyres don't last
Well, 3000km on the Busa and going to change the oil during the week. It's getting better fuel enonomy from the last few tanks too, all long frigging last Worth while fitting an aftermarket air filter now too ?? Managed 283km today after a little trip to New Norcia via Toodyay... For 18.52l of Ultimate so i am happier, and that without a PC3 as yet. Am now tossing up between a PC3 for tuning or going the Gentronic TRE/Gear indicator to smooth out snatchiness in the lower gears.

Anway, reason for the post, I seriously doubt the Metzler rear is going to see 5000km before it's going to need replacing Maybe time to apply a little more control over the right hand Metz's front and rear, anyone suggest a decent replacment tyre? Will say the metz's have made me very happy so might just stick with them, chicken strips? what are they lol. My mate has a 2004 XX blackbird with 5000km on the clock and due for a service now, I have the busa 6 weeks now and she has clocked over to 3021km already, I LUV the busa


Hmm r u givn it the berries a bit or is that town running? I get 5.2 L/100 on hwy average 120-140 km/h and bout what you're getn - 6.5L around town. Mine is K5 with 2000km traveled.

Metzlers if that is 3k from new how come you don't have the OEM BT56??

I suggest you read the Tyres & Suspension thread about tyre choice. It's all be said there.

Fuel consumption - I get an average of 19 k per litre for my riding but I stay away from heavy traffic. (There isn't much in Newcastle anyway)
I have a K&N filter and Staintune cans with the end caps removed and no PC.
I also now run on 95 octane fuel only, mainly Vortex, due to some fuel issues I've had in the past.
Runs real sweet now. Just flipped over 84,000 ks.


I'm not using it anyway!
my pilot power just coming onto 10.000k's, still hasnt reached the wear indicator. bike almost 60k
Yeah thats good milage Volvi,but i think its important to note how you ride also.I could never see over 6000 kms on the busa regardless of what tyre i used,and 4000 on a sports tyre.
Its not the phantom anymore,its the urban assault legend!
ya Hoon hehe
I did a trip from Townsville to Philp Island and back, in 2004

and used 3 back ones and two fronts. Shit I had a great time

Regards Richard.............

Fark me I is stupid, BT56f & rear

Where the f*** I got the idea they were Metzler from I dunno!

Yer reading tyre forum, shoulda looked there first
About 6000 klms on average. Been know to get around 8000 klms from the Bridgies. But prefer the Diablo Corsa's now!

It pays to know a club member with tyre contacts too.

All these are gone! Anyone know a cheap Pirelli source?

Anyone know if the bridgestone BT012's are any good? I dont really care about milage mainly corner handling, my last pilot power lasted almost 2000kms which isn't too bad considering my average fuel use is kinda high (usually 8kms/ lt, managed to get as much as 9.4kms/lt on a good run to echuca)
Sticky enough,but more suited to the supersport bikes(600's),try the Diablo Corsa's. Cheers,
Thanks Kawa, i'll look into them, I think i'm due for another since it wont lift anymore, just lights the rear up

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