Watch out for the Hit Man.....
Brack$ is at it again. Having learned nothing from their previous speed camera debacle on the Western Ring road, drivers are now disputing $peed camera fine$ at the Forsyth Road overpass location on the Prince's Highway / Geelong road at Hoppers Crossing.

This particular highway allegedly has up to 8 or so speed cameras along it's entire length but only this odd one seems to be causing heartache with drivers. People are setting cruise controls at 100 kph, driving past the 8 or so cameras & getting fined by ONE of them.

The police response has been fairly typical claiming that this particular camera has been verified & re checked & have put the onus on drivers to prove that their speedos are accurate.
They are even offering a get out of gaol free card to anyone who can prove their speedos are under reading. How re-assuring.

If not already the case, I'd like to see an INDEPENDENT technical observer co supervise the checking & re calibration of these camera's to re- assure us that eveything is fair & above board. Maybe our motoring organisations could fund the observer ?

Anyone using that road going to the GOR would be well advised to pass THAT camera with 90 on the clock to be sure.

And if that's not enough for you, Brack$ has just announced plan$ to in$tal an extra 21 Gat$o radar ba$ed $peed cam'$ on the We$tern Ring road, but mind you, I haven't heard of crashing, carnage or fatalities on that road at all

Guess we 've got to pay for the CommGames some how

Be careful out there.......the Hit Man might get you

more and more covering ones number plates seems almost mandatory.
I'm with volvi, the flipper could be the go.
(not the Shane Warne version)
And to think Rev that "NOBODY" voted this clown in?

No wonder I register all vehicles in the wifes name!

You're a card GDY

As predictable as night follows day

Did you see that copper on the news tonight, all conciliatory,
there MUST be an election in the offing

They've even managed to kill off socialist fervour in the younger generation & that takes some doing
There was an "expert" in the field a few weeks ago who made a statement that basically said -

With the rate at which digital technology is coming up in quality and down in price, and the rate with which radio/phone air time is coming down in cost, there is no reason why in 5 to 10 years time speed cameras will not be as common on our roads as traffic lights - At a few hundred bucks a pop, they only need to capture one a week to be profitable, let alone 1 a day, 1 an hour, and at 10 an hour, they would be raking it in....
Won't need camera's ... Gps in vehicles, they will know where you are and how fast your going any time they want.
Yeah, but there will be ways to tamper with GPS and not be caught, and there are issues with privacy still, and major law changes required. Cameras are already here. No law changes. If anyone fucks with one, there are plenty more, and they can replace one which has been taken out of action...
Hey there is a simple solution to all this.
Be a good law abiding citizen(like me),dont break any speed limits and you have nothing to fear.

Phuck its the Phantom.......
There's the V-4 thing - there's just something about it that inline 4s
don't have, and V-twins have too much of.
Don't you all know that is a proven fact that watching your speedo all the time and keeping within the speed limit improves road safety.

21 speed cameras on one stretch of road......when the f*** are you gong to get a chance to keep an eye on where you are going and what others are doing.

What do the pollies say,...don't speed and you wont get booked. They should add,'ll just crash instead.

Maybe at the next protest ride we could all just them

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