Hi all, new here
Welcome Angel

But you do know that once you get a Busa you wont need a second bike

Arguing with idiots is like wrestling a pig in the mud, you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it!
Now go get your busa!!!
Feel the force. ANGGI

lol, I would ultimately love to fill my garage with bikes to suit the mood/style of riding I am after. But my bank account would be in a very sad state of affairs

And Volvi, I nearly ran into parked cars as I was driving past, cranning my neck to get a good look (perve) at your GORGEOUS bike

But I can vouch for you on the brothel issue, as there are no brothels within walking distance of where you were parked Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

Welcome Brigitte
Have you had a look at the Jindy thread?
Have a think about doing the trip in March. You'll get to meet up with a whole bunch of us... (hmmmm, I may have just driven you away )

Busgo, regarding the...
Quote:you can bet your Rossi boots that I have left someone out

...you forgot Simmo (the big sheila)!
(not that there's anything wrong with being a sheila)

@ Simmo
"sometimes crime does pay"
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!
Welcome pinky Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
Hi and
Lots of great folks here IMHO.
Just might like to stay away from that funny looking "Maggot" bloke though. He tends to fall over, into and onto things regularly.

Looking forward to meeting you in person at one of the Late nights. Cheers,
The Frankenbusa will rise again!!!
I believe Latte nights are on a Wednesday? Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

I will have a look at the Jindi trip, sounds interesting

And Pan, my rego is PINKI, so you are not far off Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

Ignore that Great Dane Bloke, he's still bitter about my aerodynamic hair. (nyah nyah i've still got mine)
The Frankenbusa will rise again!!!
Quote:And Pan, my rego is PINKI, so you are not far off

Cheers Pinki...
...though it was Bruce (Blackzook) that's the psychic on our forum. He's from Sydney but currently in WA. Even though he's miles away, he still knows what we're thinking...
"sometimes crime does pay"
Maggot, looking at your bike, I can only say "Ouch" Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

My deepest apologies Pan, accusing you of comments that you did not make Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

isn't she pretty

I dont know why the pics so big though
And it's still looks better than a Red/Black!!!

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