Hi all, new here
I thought I would pop in and say hello. Just joined the forum, but I am having a few difficulties. Ok, so I am blond, but I just cannot see the function. I am registered as a guest, but can someone tell me how I actually become a Victorian member. (Well that's if I am allowed to!!)

A little about myself. My name is Brigitte, I live in Bentleigh, Victoria. Currently I ride a GSXR750K6 but I want to get a Busa as a second ride.

Always up for a ride and hope to meet some of you on a ride one day. Brigitte
Hey brigittewelcome to the forum this may help
p083.ezboard.com/faustralianhayabusaclubfrm26.showMessage?topicID=32.topic Regards Rob

never argue with a fool he will just drag you down to his level and he will beat you with experience
Thanks so much for that Rob. It is all clear now Brigitte

There are a couple of femmes on this board but not always around.
Heidi from ACT.
Dr Huxtable from Kansas USA
Linda (Ms Garbo) from Newcastle
Ms Braddo from Newcastle and
Mrs Tony from cyberland????

I'm sure there are other lurkers as well and you can bet your Rossi boots that I have left someone out.

But its nice to have a feminine touch.


I'm not using it anyway!
Thanks Busgo

Nothing like having a female putting her two cents in Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

to the club Brigitte good to see more female riders join get that busa and you want look back THE WARRIOR

I know what you mean Rod. The Busa has always been on my wish list since the day I saw one cruise into Marysville many years ago. It was a copper and bronze busa and I instantly fell in love.

Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

Dont say the word copper to loud simmo could be around THE WARRIOR

Good to hear from you Brigitte

haha I was going to say Simmo will chime in any minute re: copper remarks! Mark
Canberra's Best Silver/Black K5!
welcome to the site Brigitte. You'll find we are just a bunch of larikens here that ride fast bikes.. New Page 1RegardGrantKing of Stealth Bling www.blingpartsaustralia.com.au
Hope you have a good time at OZ Busa. We all do.

Ask as many questions as you like. And the best thing about

haveing a Busa in the shed is that they make for a great

Drag Bike

Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting”
Quote: It was a copper and bronze busa and I instantly fell in love. Brigitte

I You already
Just becarefull of thoses Red/Black riders
If your as mad as us lot you will fit in here just fine
Be very carefull of some dude called Pan from Sydney

Busgo how could you forget Ali the Drag Queen
Cheers Robert
Aren't all Busas Copper & Plated, the others are just all very poor slow ugly copies !!!!!
Hiya Brigitte, welcome to the board, interested in how you found us? Oh guess what - my bike is the copper/silver too and ermmm........I live in.......yea you guessed it...Bentleigh East.

PS. theres Pearl on a copper/silver and she lives in Bentleigh too..........so guess your quite at home already.
Thanks for the welcome everyone

"Crazy" Well thats my middle name

As for this site, I was referred to here from Chris (dont know his forum name)

And Volvi, you didn't happen to be parked in Centre Road, Bentleigh this afternoon? Saw a gorgeous copper/bronze busa there. Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

yup that was me alright having a coffee on a beatiful arvo as today. jeez caught again. as last night one said you were at such and such I saw your busa there, stands out like dogs balls.......and no guys it wasnt the local brothel, I got more sense then that......it wud be hidden LOL.

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