Fuels (and GSXR1000's...)
From another topic

Australian Club Member
(7/6/01 1:20:56 am)
I noticed your comment on the getting the 1000 going and had a friend say he was told not to run Optimax in his GSXR1000. Only unleaded. Any update on this? and is the viscosity of the fuel an issue? Pretty f....n wicked bike!!

Registered Guest
(7/6/01 8:58:00 am)
I think all the manufacturers are having trouble with Optimax. The higher density is a good thing for cars as they are invariably set lean (emissions etc.). Optimax brings the air/fuel closer to the ideal - so, more horsepower.
Motorcycles, particularly Suzukis, are rich to begin with. Ask anyone who has spent some time with a dyno and air/fuel meter and they will tell you that standard bikes have to be leaned out to give maximum horsepower. Have you noticed that fitting an after market exhaust and/or air filter to the FI Suzukis improves them without remapping? The GSX-R1000 is rich throughout the range so anything that makes it richer i.e. Optimax, is not a good thing.
I would not recommend standard unleaded in the 1000. Fuel needs to be a minimum 96 octane.
The bottom line on Optimax is - a good fuel if, and only if, the fuel system (FI or carbs) are set-up for it.

Australian Club Member
(7/6/01 12:18:16 pm)
Would you recommend, then, a standard unleaded with Octane booster added? James and I have both been told that the octane boosters added by most companies to achieve premium unleaded are dodgey to say the least, and that if stuck without Optimax available, use standard unleaded (and ride easy) rather than some of the othe premium unleaded's.
We are not getting any reports of poor performance with any of the other high octane unleaded fuels. If you have a favorite supplier then have the bike set-up for it. There is enough difference in the fuels to warrant this - we're still talking GSX-R1000s here. With the Hayabusa, standard unleaded is all that is required. It is far more important to have clean, fresh fuel than to have a fuel with a high octane rating.
Political correctness necessitates that we do not recommend or condemn one oil company, however when the same name keeps popping up whenever poor running issues are raised then that company has some explaining to do. Typically an oil company will not admit to any faults (Mobil - light aircraft fuel etc.)
Another thought. If your standard bike is running fine on Optimax, then perhaps you should look at having the injectors cleaned. <i></i>
G'day all,

Optimax seems to be a good fuel, however we have found it requires your fuel system to be in first class shape.

Most performance car guys i know have their fuel injection system cleaned every now and then. I'll ask the obvious, when was the last time anyone of you had the injection system cleaned on your bike?

We have found a minium of 4 HP's across the range with a cleaned system. Mind you a re map is required due to the injection doing what it's supposed to do.

To be honest I cleaned the injection on my XR8 and on the next tank full saw an extra 60 KM's and better responce from the motor. I've had the same reports from owners of injected bikes we have cleaned the injection on.

Regards Col

hi col,

so question is at what intervals should you clean and how thoroughly, or does one wait for a problem to arise first and do the big number then, i know there are a number of variables to consider, but just as a broad rule of thumb,,

les <i></i>
G'day Les,

If it were me I would clean the injection every time I changed the oil filter, say 5-6 K. It's not expensive if you have the right gear.

It works a treat from what Iv'e seen.

On a seperate note, we all should know about the build up on the back of the inlet valves. If you are interested in removing this crap drop me a mail, I've found this stuff works.

Regards Col <i></i>
Good day all, totally new to this but the fuel debate has piqued my interest.
I have used Optimax in my Hyabusa since new, I travel 120 klm per day for work six days a week with 90% being highway k's. I have not had any drop in performance or problems with deposit build up or fouling,
although I know of many who have, in varying makes and models. After the initial service the bike has a minor service every 5000k's and major service at 10000k's, currently the bike has travelled 14000k's.
I know there is a survey on tyres, maybe the same should be done for fuels.


Mick - Please feel free to start one. (More appropriate in the general discussion area). <i></i>

There seems to be some questions as to how good or bad Shell Optimax is. As I've said, so far no problems with the bikes we have seen running it.

However all have been re mapped. So what I hope to be doing soon is a comparision using a standard injected Suzuki and do a full AFR and power run using PULP and Optimax.

I'll post the results when completed. Should be interesting.

Regards Col <i></i>
Hi Col
How standard are you talking about my bike has only had a set of slip ons put on it and the pink wire taken off the day we put it on the dyno at the Sydney Dyno Day we got 176 hp from it that was on BP premium fuel
P.S if you need a test bike call me <i></i>

Give me a call on 02 9602 9714 and we will set the time. Thanks for the offer, added items will be FOC.

We will talk, once again, thanks, Keith.

Regards Col. <i></i>

to quote a certain Englishman, "you lucky, lucky, lucky bastard". <i></i>
G'day All,

Keith has had the odd computer problem. However came in to see me the other day. We will be putting Keith's bike on the dyno with AFR attached to see what difference there are in fuels and power.

Results will be posted.

Thanks Keith.

Regards Col <i></i>
Hi All,

Having heard recently about Mobil's new 98 octane, thought I'd give it go. Unfortunately it's done nothing but rain in Sydney lately so I tried it in the car, hmmphh, Vectra.

This little Holden has a knock sensor and having Optimax over 91 octane did make a broad but subtle difference to the ecomony and power, enough of a difference to keep using it.

I put the Mobil in the other day not expecting anything over Optimax. Boy was I surprised. Similar performance up to 4,000rpm but very notable improvement above, like mild VTEC kicked in.

Can hardly wait for the weather to dry out and I'll try some in the Bus. Picking up a new 200SX soon... hmmmm


Not only have you picked a great bike, but a great car as well! I had a 200sx a couple of years ago, best car I've ever driven, got too many demerit points though!

Enjoy, and best of luck avoiding the plod!
Can't really comment on the fuel though, I don't think I've tried it.

Scott W <i></i>
Thanks Scott,

Had one a few years ago too, but had to sell it to buy a house

Been wanting a new one ever since... black S15 being delivered today with anyluck

A <i></i>

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