Awesome Turbo's
Quote:You are talking too much, get into your shed and put it on!!

Pull your head in Dave. The bloke's had a life-threatening condition. I haven't noticed you offer to go over and help him

Jeez, you would rather he just pays someone else $10K to do an ordinary job for him? Would that make you happy?

The guy's doing what he likes and I say good on him. Trying being a little more sensitive...
"sometimes crime does pay"<i>Edited by: pan&nbsp; at: 18/7/06 9:14 am
So who made your turbo kit Graham?
Who did the headers for it?
Who pieced together the turbo?
Who dyno'd the bike for a proper fuel map for the computer?

You cant really say that you made that turbo kit, you bought a kit that some one else had built and then taken off their bike and sold to you.

How long has that kit been "on the floor"?
You are talking too much, get into your shed and put it on!!

Settle Pan.
I had absolutly no idea what has happened to Graham.

I am just pointing out that he is bagging the company that actually built the turbo kit that is sitting on his floor, perhaps I should have used one of the emoticoms to express myself a bit better
He only has to call them or Leonard, who had the kit on his bike, and ask what size injectors and/or parts he needs, rather than coming onto a forum and getting 12 differing opinions, which I dont think is actually helping the decision.

Call me if you need a hand spannering Graham.


ps; is that better Pan??

SnR had absoluty nothing to do with the design and building of "Grahams kit" actually the oposite, the usual "That wont work bla bla bla " just like Quicksilver wont work.

Graham if you need help with injectors ring me, if you want everyone else's option of a setup that I built and ran, then thats ok too.

Leonard. <i></i>
Quote:is bagging the company that actually built the turbo kit that is sitting on his floor

Yeh Dave, that's much better, NOT!

You've had a go at Graham here and on other threads... not what MATES do. We have a go at each other, but at least we get our facts straight first. I haven't seen anyone bag SnR here. It's your assumptions that are causing you to stick your head out matey.

You just go on making assumptions if it makes you happy... <i></i>
Hi everybody,

I guess I had better clear a few things up with everybody. On Australia Day I was admitted to hospital with a life threatening condition. I am 32. The doctor said that I am lucky to be alive today and my fiancee can testify to that. I've had injections that hurt like hell 2 times a day, medication that has destroyed my immunity and dehydrated me. It's been a tough 6 months for me, during which time I have also moved house, and become engaged. My fiancee is between jobs so I am also supporting the family.

The turbo kit was put together by Leonard. He built the headers, plenum chamber etc. However it is not a complete kit, which I dont mind. I respect Leonards opinion a lot. I also acknowlege the help of Greg (Maj750t) and Gazza414, who I have not yet met but who has offered help. I also appreciate the words of people who have offered me encouragement to get in and do it, there have been a few. When I finish this project it will be special to me.

In regards to the comments made that I am asking for a lot of feedback from the forum, I have a very good idea of what I want to do. I am an engineer by profession and part of that kind of work is listening to people who know more than you so you can learn. My opinions of S&R Pro are based on my experiences. I went to S&R Pro to talk to them with a view to buying parts off them for my kit but they were not interested in talking to me. I did this on the advice from Leonard and he was amazed that S&R Pro were not interested in talking. Therefore, except for the big hole in my stock air filter, there is nothing on my bike that was installed by S&R Pro.

All I need to start the job now is as follows; Gauges, oil lines, mandrel bends, some 50mm hose, BOV, water injection, and injectors. Then I'm good to go.

Thanks Pan for stepping up. Much appreciated. Regards
2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Member of the SHAG group.
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
Sorry guys, I didn't mean to cause a shit fight here.

Leonard, you know my feelings when it comes to that shop, I am not sticking up for their work. I thought that was one of their kits, sorry mate.

Pan, I have replied to your PM mate, I hope it has cleared it up.

Graham, I didn't know that you had been sick, and that you hadn't been working on your bike. When I said "stop talking and get in the shed" I didn't mean it to sound nasty, it was to try to spur you into getting the bike running, and like I said if you need a hand just call me, I will be more than happy to give a hand.
As for that shop Graham, you are lucky it was only your air filter, it took me 5 years and a LOT of cash and 2 air filters before I saw the light. So I am not sticking up for them by any means.

I have a set of stock injectors if you are interested in ruinning secondaries, I also have 50mm hose, I should have some stainless tube around that will be good for your up pipe, and I know a guy who has a muffler shop in Penrith who can do all your bends for you, if you like I can purge weld it all together for you.
I got my guages through an Ebay store, and I am sure you could get a BOV through them as well.

Sorry again all.


Hi everybody.

Looks like there has been a whole lot of misunderstanding above, I'm happy to put it all in the past and move on. CAS I would be interested in talking to you about mandrel bends from your mate. I have some stainless steel straights in the garage and just need to sort out the bends.

I guess we strayed a bit from aBusa when he initally commented on how awesome turbo bikes are and then we made Beirut look like a quiet spot. Lets get back to what we enjoy, Hayabusa's and cameraderie of good mates. Regards
2000 Suzuki Hayabusa Red/Grey Bog standard except for bling and a kanooter valve. Oh and a turbo kit on the floor.
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!
Member of the SHAG group.
Red Bikes Rule!!!!!<i></i>
Dave PM received.
Does anyone know anyone who welds titanium?I want to put some o2 bungs on my headers. Glenn the Spa Man<i></i>

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