The hump storage mod in a nutshell!

First remove the hump white plastic floor by removing the four bolts.
Remove the four threaded receiver plates that the bolts screwed into.

Replace the threaded receiver plates with identical quarter turn receiver plates. They press into place.

Place a knurrled quarter turn knob into the white plastic "floor" and secure it with the press on clamp. It allows the Knob to hang into the hole with out falling out. You may need to file down the knobs for clearance. Minor

Repeat with the other three bolts.

You should now have a white floor with four knobs dangling from the holes. Place white floor into hump shell, align knobs into receivers and turn a quarter turn. Hump floor secured.

southco as

quarter turn clip receptacles in steel 82-47-113-15

Sealing washer

Retainers to hold knurled quarter turns

Medium sized knurlled quarter turn knobs

<i>Edited by: icemann da pimpster at: 31/8/03 20:09
Sorry can't see the pics..... <i></i>
hows that!:"> <i></i>
Very cool, always thought that space on the bus was a waste of space.........hmmm can put my secret stash in there...... <i></i>
Any one in NSW done this if so were can we get the fittings,
what size and what are they called
Cheers Robert
World Wide CEO
Easyrider Imports
I just cut out a hole in the plastic base, about the size of 2 cigarette packs, and I squish my wet weather gear in there.

I'll post pics if someone brings a digital camera to the drags...
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Customer Service & Complaints Division
Easyrider Imports

Hey Simmo

Firstly not all of the parts are listed here, the stud part. no. is missing. I had a go at working it out from the formulae they gave and got it wrong. The exercise cost me $40 (not $80, sorry) for something that sort of works and I wasn't prepared to go through it all again.

Why $40 you ask, well delivery cost me nearly as much as the parts as they wouldn't Express Post, they only use Couriers, I found that out after I ordered!

These fittings are the old Dzus 1/4 turn Fasteners now owned by Southco.

Not sure about suppliers in NSW but you can call them direct to find out. Even if you find a local supplier, they will probably have to order it in as no one will stock every part as there are 10's of 1000's made by Southco. You might be lucky though!

Australia, Melbourne
International Trade Park
3 Aviation Place
Tullamarine, Victoria 3043

If I had my time over I would probably just buy it from this guy in the states or The Motorhead as it would probably still be cheaper landed then dealing with this lot in Australia, go figure!

Once all done it is a good mod, great place to carry all your lighter nik-naks like your wet weather gear.

Hope this helps Shayne

<i>Edited by: aBUSa at: 14/9/05 10:47 pm
Hello, everyone!

I am the guy who sells the hump mod kit at

Not trying to push the product or anything, just checked the traffic to my site, and saw your board.

A while back someone from Australia asked for a group buy, but he never got back to me. So, that you know, I've sent 1 or 2 kits to your neck of the woods. Never got a response from the guy if everything was OK, so I assume it's all good.

Once again, I am sorry if violated any rules. Will visit more often.

Safe riding everyone!

Igor <i></i>
Nice to have you aboard Igor

When I did mine I used the D Clip style rather than Knurled knob or wing style

Would you mine answering what stud length you supply in your kits or is that a secret, The only reason I ask is I hope Southco will exchange mine for the correct parts? Shayne

I Bought Igors stuff. Very Good and recommended, I bought the wingnut style. It has been said that you can source the parts yourself but with the price of fuel and my time, it's ten times cheaper to get them from Igor, and a quality product as well. Thanks again IG. <i></i>
You are welcome, buddy!

To answer the question, most everyone buys the wing-nut style. The reason is that the stud style has higher profile, and is very likely to hit the plastic. I clearly explain it on the web-site. Obviously, no-one wants to alter the plastic. Also, with the wing style, you can get better leverage, and lock it tighter.

Also, the problem with Southco, they don't sell small volumes. You can ask them for a sample, but you can wait for it for a long time, and then you may get the wrong stuff. And, then they will start asking questions...

Also, I provide a life time warranty - for free. Another words, you brake it a year from now, or lose a washer during installation, and I send it to you for free. It happens very rarely, so it's not a big job/$$ for me. However, it gives to those who bought a great sense of security/confidence in the product.

After all, I ride the same as every other rider, and know exactly how it feels.

Igor <i></i>
Where is Igors website?
Ditto, where is IG's site? My new hump dosn't have the inner panel at all!

Terry <i></i>
#14 <i></i>
This is what I did and it works fine...

Just used a drill to start then went around with a jigsaw.
...5 minutes all up.
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Customer Service & Complaints Division
Easyrider Imports


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