Opinion required - tell me what you want.
I had a look at a woody PT cruser and thought it looked cool

but on a Busa now that I just have to see..

put up some pics when it's done Regards Richard

“Racing is living, everything else is just waiting” <i></i>
Will do Rich. I am interested myself. I have a picture in my head, hopefully he has the same one. A variant of this but way cooler.
Like the green ones!!!
Feel the force. ANGGI

Cheers CL. You can have a set if you like. Club rates of course. I have been doing a lot of theme stuff lately. Hard but interesting.

I printed off the first wooden ones today. If you think they look ok in the pictures, you have seen nothing yet. I jsut need to convince someone here to let me build a full woody Busa. If you like trophies and have the bucks, let's do it. I am contributing to a partial one in Florida but it isn't a full theme, more of a paint job than a anything else. In my head, the frame should look like wood and chrome, shiny part on top panels and a 1/2 or 3/4 bodywrap. Colour matching inner rims with polished outers.

Under the skin, all the gadgets. Leds, lowered or/& stretched, nitrous and wooden guage surrounds and boost guages.

Anyone up for it? Someone here must be a Beach Boys fan. <i></i>
Not into the woddy look, but...

...okay, this is kinda sad, but I was thinking of a "Wiggles" theme. My 2 year old would go nuts!
"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
You could be the red wiggle Pan Cheers Taub<i></i>
I can do that. I'm not responsible for any bashing or little fellas hand prints all over it. I reckon I could freak kids out with an aggresive Dorothy. With blood on her teeth, maybe a piece of purple t-shirt hanging from her jaw. That will wake that Jeff idiot up. lol. <i></i>
You are VERY clever Glen! I'm gobsmacked! I'm looking for a Varga girl to put on mine, but I haven't found her yet. When I do I'll send her to you to work on.

WELL DONE! <i></i>
the timber look decal is awesome. not right for a modern high speed weapon, but looks killer. Don't ride behind me, I might bin it, Don't ride in front of me ya slow moving bastard, Just ride beside me and shut the f*** up.<i></i>
Varga girl. hmm. I have done heaps of women, figuratively speaking. I have been working on WW2 fighter plane one for some time now. It is kind of how the CF girl on the Kanji started life. I think the wood would look good as a package. Just not as a isolated mod. I have been thinking about it all day. I reckon a copper frame, then airbrush the grain onto it. Keep that going through the rear sets and so forth. Maybe even the exhaust.

Here is something else to look at. Remember when I asked about auto elecs? What I was putting together was a led light set. Let me know if you would like to go on the list.

Led tail-light. replaces normal light and uses the stocko cover. Has any amount of selections such as indicators and so forth. I am then going to have my brand new ally grill sets premounted with a surround that holds it's own LED circuits. So that the big holes and the rear holes light up as indicators too. These can do all sorts of stuff too. What do you think? <i></i>
Taub, the red Wiggle is just what my boy had in mind...

Sorry about the Glen <i></i>
That's ok brother. For some reason I thought you would be taller. <i></i>
Glenn, you are just the man I am looking for. But I have a GSXR750. Looking to do something very different that has a pink theme. Only problem is, I dont have any ideas..... yet. Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.

Quote:For some reason I thought you would be taller

Nah, it's just the leathers that make me look bigger...

Back to Pinkie... <i></i>

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