Bling parts australia
hey grant where ya located cause i'd be curious to see some of them in the flesh? by the sounds of things u have many parts im interested in gettin <i></i>
Grant's in Townsville and has a bad ass turbo to go

Happy New Year

Love you all..................................

Big Dick..... <i></i>
heya Richard,
How ya been, tried ringin ya last night.. u in t.ville?

Yep, I'm from Townsville... I'll have my stock up in the store within the week...

If your wanting anything sooner, just send me a email at and we'll go from there...

happy new year..

Grant. <i></i>
Hi Grant will be back in this Tuesday will catch up have

some to spend on the bike and want to give you some

of it for Bling bits for the bike and I'll grab that Air box of

you as well... tell me how much you want for it OK

talk to ya in a few days.. You big Turbo King you

Regards Richard....................

yep cool.. no probs..
i still got the airbox here..

ha ha.. will have to give ya a ride of the busa next time ya out at the strip...


...... .....

Now that will be FU$#ING AWESOME............

Yea Baby...........................

Regards Richard....... <i></i>
Hey Mr Turbo, I left a few calls on your phone the other day

Tuesday, But will have to get a hold of you when I get back

in. Did you get that chain gaurd yet.........

Regards Richard and Nina..... <i></i>
heya Richard...
yep, got the Bling chainguard and the reservoir covers
(1 kanji, 1 'busa') .

Yeah i saw that on my phone, i have left a message on ya 'away' phone.. we seem to keep missin each other..

When are ya due back... i should have the busa back together by then hopefully...

take it easy...

-Grant. <i></i>
Back in on the Tuesday the 24/1/06. I will call you and make

a solid time to come around. We should take the Girls out

( yours and mine ) for diner or some thing. Then we can wheel

and deal...... I like those belly wings that you have

Nice...................Regards Richard and Nina <i></i>
Hi Grant.
Could you please/post or PM me details/pics about chrome fuel caps? I've heard there are ones the lock and ones that don't.

What've ya got?

"good times spent with friends, and nothing else matters..."<i></i>
Grant, same question for chrome fairing sliders (Oggy Nob thingies)...

Pan <i></i>
Hi Pan,
With the fuel caps i haven't got them but more new parts arrivng very soon. The frame sliders 'oggy knobs' i have in stock. I have two different types of polished sliders for the busa. Pics as follows.

$59.95 + post (mention this thread and i will sell them for $54.95 + post). They are manufactured to precise tolerances using Computer Aided Machining, and then Micro polished to a smooth mirror finish. Each slider measures 3-1/4" long, and 1-3/4" in diameter, and the bolt is 10mm. This kit includes all necessary hardware, and bolts right on, These sliders bolt into the upper engine mount, replacing the existing bolts.


$69.95 + post (mention this thread and i will sell them for $64.95 + post). Each slider base is CNC machined from a solid bar of aircraft-quality 6061 aluminium, and the cap is machined from a bar of high-density Delrin. The Delrin cap is a solid piece of plastic which threads onto the micro-polished aluminium base. If you ever drop your bike, all you will have to replace is the cap. You will never need to replace your sliders again! Replacement caps can be found in my store. Each slider (with cap) measures 5-1/2" long, and 1-3/4" in diameter, and the bolt is 10mm.

Be aware that you will need to cut both fairings. If done properly, it actually looks quite good. I can supply a step by step on how to do it.

If you would like to contact me, email me at or visit BLING PARTS AUSTRALIA

Grant. <i></i>
Hi Grant. I like the look of the shorter ones, but was after the ones that go into the fairing hole that's already there (like Oggy's).

These ones that bolt into the upper engine mount are tough, but not the ones I'm after. Can you get the others? <i></i>
Grant if you can do this for $200 shipped I will have one otherwise looks like I am getting the standard one chromed Regards Bill

With A Mod Like This On Your Bike You Could Save Money On Bling

I Am Not Racist I Love All Tits Big And Small

Bill, you have mail. <i></i>

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