This what happened when he didnt pay up to ERI
Shoot the pigs! Both kinds
I have sat back and watched you all have your say these ferriles can bring our primary industry to it knees with disese if not kept under some sort of control.How would you like to get up in the morning to find you job gone and the bank up you ass wouldnt be nice feeling would it .Being in the farming game most of my life i have seen the damage they have done first hand so dont carry on with poor pigy as for being smart yes they are it makes them so predictable . So walk a day in some one else shoes befor passing comment as for pine forrests better than cuting down more native bushland .To conserve the invirement you need to comprimise so no ferriles and keep replanting pine forrests. So when you read this just think what it would be like not to have a source of income for the year have to put food on the table explain to your bank manager that you cant pay your morgage al because the poor F#%king pigs yeh right so no more luxury like hayabusa harley davidson I think not survivale of the fittest is how animales look at it and so do i.
give em heaps Rocket.
I see your point.

This is better than the sponge grips thread thats for sure....

"Ban the bra...let em swing." Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1968Edited by: Djpete  at: 16/11/06 8:29
We ain,t smiling pan from exhaustion/lack of sleep and about a million moths anywhere there is light.In that photo we both had several moths under our shirts crawling down our backs and in our ears.We are all raised doing different things,this is what i grew up doing and don,t have a problem doing it nor will any tree hugger make me feel bad about it,I cut trees down as well. (A Cut Above Firewood) is our other business.
Seriously I don't have a prob with it.
I've never fired a gun and really am not interested too.
I have a few mates who go pig shooting and love it.
Good luck to them.
Personally I would feel sorry for the animal (call me a softie) no matter what it does to the enviro etc.
It is doing what is does.
So go for it boys and nice pic...
How much to get some of that firewood down to Melb?
Bloody freezin at the mo...

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1968
I'm with you Spamann - Most tree huggers are too ignorant to realise that if feral pigs weren't shot/poisoned/dogged etc. the would be no farms to grow their goddamn lettuce and carrots.

Furthermore, people who eat meat from woolies must realise that someone had to kill something for the meat to get there. If you cannot stomach killing a feral pig, what right do you have to eat meat?

I really do admire vegetarians who do not rant and rave and preach to others, but have simply made a choice for their own conscience and live by it. It shows great character. By the same token, I reserve the right to eat meat and to kill feral species that interrupt the production of the food I have chosen.

Do gooders do not understand that most ethical hunters are better conservationists than hippies. i.e. We do something about the problems, not just sit around bitching about them and preaching to the converted.

AAhhhh - that felt good. Thanks for listening.

PS - much more interesting than foam grips DJ Don't ride behind me, I might bin it, Don't ride in front of me ya slow moving bastard, Just ride beside me and shut the f*** up.
"Let me say this" Every pig I shoot has a liitle peice of Militec. in them. Yes Rockett there are a few human speices that cause degredation and thats why they are being culled now. And I would love to have the right to carry arms, I reckon there would less hold ups and people killed without having a chance to defend themselves. Cheers,
KawasukiEdited by: kawasuki at: 16/11/06 9:46
now there is a topic to debat hahaha gun control!!

I hate it if we had the right to carry guns! it'd mean more people killed as they would be way too easy to get.

But thats for another topic hehe

I have been hunting & liked it - duck, rabbit mainly. never pig. Heard too many storys of running up a tree

shot a .22 & 12gauge shotty. Was fun hehehe "Busa riders always count in three's.... 100, 200, 300"

Ok maybe you took me out of context or i didnt explain myself right.I dont have a problem with farmers or people hired to do a job shooting rodents or annoying pigs or whatever,what i do hate is rednecks who go out in the bush and go around killing wildlife as a pleasure (blood)sport.Those duck hunters really get me going.
There is no need to hunt for food anymore,so to me it is purely a sport.If ya want to shoot things,go to a rifle range and shoot targets.
The Phantom is back
But fishing is OKAY rocket??? or have you never been fishing?

I don't see any difference, either way you are killing stuff for your own amusement. Only difference is pigs are bush junk and fish are wet junk Don't ride behind me, I might bin it, Don't ride in front of me ya slow moving bastard, Just ride beside me and shut the f*** up.Edited by: m8ee  at: 16/11/06 10:18
Quote:what i do hate is rednecks who go out in the bush and go around killing wildlife as a pleasure (blood)sport.


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1968
I dont even like fishing...
I feel sorry for the worms...and then there are the fish!

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"I don't want a pickle,
I just wanna ride my motorsickle."
Arlo Guthrie 1968
Rocket, Love your work....
But for a real shit stirrer I thought you would have been much bigger.
But a fast bike must help.
‘Slow & steady wins the race….. but it’s a lot easier on a Busa!’
Edited by: Turtle  at: 16/11/06 10:50
Ok now back to eating my tofu and bean curd burger Bruce
N2O no laughing matter
This IS much better that talking about handgrips.

I can see Rocket's point of view about getting people that are hired to do the job, though let's not forget that Kawa and spaman are doing this as a sport... not because they are blood-thirsty... (though I'm not sure about Kawa - I've seen that mean look in his eye )

Spa man:
Quote:We ain,t smiling pan from exhaustion/lack of sleep and about a million moths anywhere there is light

Ya coulda at least managed a smile though. Look at teams that win world cup finals. They're tired, sweating, aching and they are jumping for joy...

I'm with Raz. I don't think allowing all to have guns solves problems.

Regarding Kawa's comments:

Quote:And I would love to have the right to carry arms, I reckon there would less hold ups and people killed without having a chance to defend themselves. may reckon that, but the Americans reckoned that too... just look at the number of hold ups and people that get killed over there without a chance to defend themselves.


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