Licence suspended
Just found out today that less than 1 month shy of 12 month probation period ending i was booked for no seat belt.I knew this and the copper was an absolute c***.Anyway i didn,t pay this until my points came back.This useto mean the rta would receive the infringement notice after the points came back and deduct them off your now 12 points.Not now.It was dated back to when the infringement occurred when i had only 2 points to use and hence 3 point f****d me.Now from may 20 something til november i can,t drive or ride on the road.If i go to the drags or a ride day its by the grace of others.I drive everyday for my job.Now i,ll have to put up with my offsider driving me around in my truck and i,ll have 3 days a week to earn a living on the road.Trust me my friends If you are not a model citizen, one day you will wake up and be labelled a criminal.Laws change alot faster than people can change their habits and police descretion is almost a fond memory.No seatbelt in a backstreet within 200m of my last visit f****d my life for 6 months.Now i have to sit down and see if I can still run my business after this assfucking I,ve just received.Don,t feel bad for me, just arm yourselves against this f*&^ing insanity thats occuring.The road rules are based on the lowest common denominator,perhaps i should get a labotomy, cut my nuts off an cut one arm off maybe then the road rules will seem reasonable?? Glenn the Spa Man
Well..... ya get what ya vote for

I know I one voted em in

Six states & territories all under commie control
Glen, they close those loopholes faster than you can use them. Backdating of points to time of infringement has been happening down here in Vic for quite a while, now, and it nearly f'd me too...

Also that supposed loophole which may have been an urban myth, that if you overpay a penalty, the points won't appear on your licence because the financials are not complete... Doesn't happen here, or it's gone, or it was another piece of internet bullshit spam...
Dee.... I can confirm that from personal experience. That particular myth was told to me about 18 months back, so I tried it. Paid $1 more than the fine was worth. It had absolutely no effect on any outcomes.

Sorry to hear about your situation Glen. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Sorry too Glen.
It has been totally out of control for quite some time now.

The sooner the Libs use this as a way to get votes the sooner they will be back in Government.
People generally must be fuckin angry.
I know I am and I have a pretty high tolerence level. Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Here is a bit of advice from somewhat of an expert on loosing points.

DENY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These f*&^ing traffic cops lord it over us good citizens because its the only time in their lives they can get any respect from anyone!

Over the years I have become very familiar with how it all works.

Rule number 1.
Keep your fuckin mouth shut!!!!!! If you don't admit any wrong doing they usually can't do shit (my barristers words) and you walk away scott free (you are being recorded every time you speak to a traffic cop).

Rule number 2.
Always pay for a Barrister to defend yourself in court!!!!!! You WILL lose without one.

Rule number 3.
KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!! can't stress this enough. If you admit it on the day... good luck trying to defend yourself in court. Don't say anything and there is a good chance your barrister will get you off.
Busa Dan is absolutely correct !

Your right busa dan.Its just that if you don,t get booked that often they,ve brought out something new or changed something and you don,t know how to tackle it until after you,ve been f****d over.Thats why somehow everyone needs to share their experiences so we can be forearmed against this bullshit that carelessly fucks our lives.Its beyond ridiculous that someone who drives every day never has a crash outside a carpark can be labelled an unsafe driver,yet jo pen pusher has a gold licence because he catches a train to work everyday.Then he goes on holidays with his old dry tyres sits on 110km/hr in the country,can,t handle a car at speed anymore because has usually doing the 50km/hr limit and kills himself and his family.Lower speed limits don,t save lives because they lower a drivers skill level further away from whats required to drive at speed on holidays.Lower speeds encourage people to do other things whilst driving.These staysafe commitees are kidding themselves ,Cars are quieter than ever,roads smoother and straighter than ever and they wonder why people fall asleep at the wheel.Train tracks should be straight not roads. Glenn the Spa Man
i'm sorry guys but you are going to extreme i think ...
Glen was booked for not wearing a seat belt and he knew that at the you can bag me all you want, but as i have been the person who went through the windscreen of a car when i was a kid because i wasn't wearing a seatbelt and spent time in ICU and lost some vital parts i have exactly zero symphathy ....sorry Glen but they do save lives and it is the law so stop with the whole poor me routine and just get over it Regards Rob

never argue with a fool he will just drag you down to his level and he will beat you with experience
Ever forget to put the seat belt on for a 100 mtrs or so , and f*** remember than stick it on, i've done that,just had plenty on my mind and completly forgot(and got f*&^ing done). I know we should always wear it ,but some times you do forget for that few minutes. The way you put it bandit ,sounds like you think Glenn drives around willy nilly without one on.

Quote:never argue with a fool he will just drag you down to his level and he will beat you with experience
So I am not arguing with you bandit..just stating some human traits we all have. Cheers,
i got booked for reversing with my belt off only.
cop says that it was off whilst driving also.
Completely wrong, no bull.
Court coming up in August now because the Cop had a heart attack.
Wife says I stressed him out. Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Well DJ you know what they say

Quote:but they do save lives and it is the law so stop with the whole poor me routine and just get over it

Just for 2c worth, there is one problem with denying - you may just put a nice copper off-side...

Rough transcription (condensed) of an incident...

"Any reason you were going so fast - I've got you at 123 and it's an 80 zone..."

"Ahh, well, it's a lovely day, there aint much traffic, I just got carried away a bit..."

"Look, just keep it down a bit - I'll write you up for 94, but don't let me catch you again..."
Everybodys points are valid.I always wear my seat belt,its just that I had a bad habit of not putting it on straight away.Habits aren,t always easy to shake i Just think an opportunity for discretion (considering the offence and the extremely high repercussions pending) could have been used.I agree with demeester as well each charge you get off makes them more determined to not let that happen again.So for speeding I think not giving them a chance to catch you speeding through your own protection is looking better everday.The less reasonable coppers out there and the higher the penalty(instant licence dismissal) only pushes people todo a runner, afterall they know there f****d if they do get pulled over with an arsehole highway patrol.Police tend to issue fines for offences they can prove easily.Speeding is measurable and easily proveable most of the time.The seat belt obviously needed my admission to close the deal hence the voice recording.So all those tailgating mobile phone,dvd,cd,mp3,eating,drinking radio using,shaving,lipstik applyng gold licence holders the rta loves you because you a safe driver because you don,t speed.
Glenn, I totally understand your predicament and also got suspended for 3 months when I was 20. Back then you got 9 points over 1 year and had to get booked about 4 times unless you were a P plater to lose your right to ride or drive.
However, you're beginning to sound like you think that everybody who holds a gold licence doesn't get out much.
I have held one since they first came out and clock up at least 45,000 ks a year. Fortunately I have only been nabbed by 1 speed camera in the past 10 years and that was a non fixed one.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that the points system sucks and is getting worse all the time. - Losing 3 points for doing less than 10k over the limit is a joke when people who run red lights and stop signs etc get much the same penalty but are likely to cause much more grief.

Having a gold licence is not just the privelige of those who don't drive, it is a reward for people who do it sensibly.


I'm not using it anyway!

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