Cartoon captions On our News .
Any thoughts on whats going on re the new comic strip caption, of that peacfull relgion.. Cheers,
KawasukiEdited by: kawasuki at: 9/2/06 10:32 am
Yeah Kawasaki,
Leave that rubbish off our web site.
This is about Hayabusas.
GENERAL DISCUSSION i thinks its pretty general,whats up Bugs
frieghtened of Elma. Cheers,
My Sig say's what I think Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
These cartoons pay out some extremist muslim behaviour? No, they aptly describe an inane truth of the actual Qu'ran depicted religion. The Islamic religion has never been a religion of peace. There are verse after verse describing the attrocities to be conducted on Christian, Jew and other non-Islamic people. Even the word "caffer" is an Islamic (Arabic) word to describe slave. The same word used by whites to describe blacks, because they were thought of as slaves. And yet, the Afro-Americans, descendants of caffers, are embracing Islam as the religion of the black people. Ironic? No, just perverted.

I have a couple of friends who are Islamic. They are friends of mine, even though the Qu'ran clearly states that a Muslim shall have no Jew or Christian as friend. There are many peaceful "Muslims", but these people are acting well above their defined religion.

I'd like to know what people thought of the art exhibition of piss Christ? Remember the crucifx in a glass of an artist's urine? This was defacing a meer prophet, this was defacing God himself - for a Christian. I didn't see too many Christians doing the berzerka around the world. Those mobs that carry on like dickheads are just a bunch of inane juveniles looking for any excuse for some carnage, and can get away with it coz eveyone is just so sympathetic to the Islamic struggle... A fifth of the worlds population is supposed to be Islamic. Not much of a fuckin struggle is it? Fuckn minority group my arse! -385-
You are right to a T Travis. We'll see you on the beaches when the moronic middle eastern block arrive to enslave us Christians. Lock and load brothers, I see them on the horizon. And I bet they ride Honduhs (Not Viffers though Rocket man)

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Yes its really sad to see the school children over there marching and protesting what hope is there for them Or for us?? AND I agree with the country were the cartoon caption came from who said that they wil not interfere with the news papers ,as it is freedom of speach in that country and thats the way it will stay. Cheers,
That would be Denmark Mr Kawa.
I will not stand for that sort of needless violence in my area and nor will the other folks in my street. They are 1 Jew, 2 Germans, 6 Skips, 2 Indians (from India), 2 Thai and 1 Dane (me). So it looks like these f***kers are making sure that they are on their own with this sort of behaivour. Australia is not the place for this or any sort of civil unrest. They shouldn't be allowed to do anything they want just because we are afraid that if we react, we will have a visitor with a backpack and a trigger visit one of our fine events or public transportation centres. So people think that the best thing to do is nothing. So the f***kers get what they want until they find something else that offends them and use that as an excuse to burn and destroy another building. Destroy another persons job or life without remorse.
I think that there will have to come a time when enough is enough. If you migrate into a country you MUST be prepared to adapt to your new country and intergrate yourself into the culture. To build strength in the country. If you bring old hate and religious violence to this or any country, f*** off home.

That's what I think. Cheers,
(Yay, I know what gear I'm in !)
Hey Holga,
you're going to have to stop pulling your pinches like that old man. I take it you're with Kwacka and I when we repell these particularly nasty and repellent fanatics? We have plenty to go around. Ressac has his own guns! Green ones

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
I was raised in an environment where I loved my country and the way of life so much that I gladly joined the military and was prepared to lay my life on the line if needed for over 20 years and I still would.
Unfortunately Australia isn't the isolated island it used to be where if we got involved in a war, we had to travel out of our region to get to it.
Terror is not a battlefield anymore, it is going to be your local school, church, train station or workplace.

Even though I have been raised in a Christian society with all the trappings of it, christening, confirmation, baptism, marriage etc. I am now an athiest and believe that it is religious brainwashing that is the crime we have to deal with.

I agree with the Western society view of free speech and the right to publish charicatures of anybody. Unfortunately, the religious bigots who do not agree have also been brainwashed to lay down their lives to make a point and take as many infadels as they can with them.

If I want to read about the war on terror, I buy a newspaper or watch TV but I generally switch off and chanel surf to find something more interesting.
That's why I browse the Hayabusa Club discussions.


I will try and remember what I wrote!!

Dont blame God for mans manipulation of Religion!!!

God is a LOVING God

For God so loved the World he gave his only Son that WHOEVER believes in HIM will not Perish but have Eternal LIFE!!

"Vengence is mine says the LORD"

We as People on Earth are supposed to love each other!!!

God gives us Free choice to Follow Him!!

The World, would not be in Turmoil if we all Believed in him and followed his Commandments!!

Man has decided to do what he wants and that is why the world is such a mess!!

I never understood why my Father was an Anglican Minister until just a few weeks ago, My Dad had an Urgency to tell others about God and The Love he Gives us. My Father died at the age of 67 on New Years Day, 4 years ago and in his short but busy life he was so determined to get the message out!!!

In the last few months GOD has lifted me from near death to a height that Mankind would not Understand!!

The last 20 years or so in my Life have been a big mess because I did what I wanted to do. I made the decisions in My Life.

My Life is still a mess but I have one thing on my side and I know things will be Ok !! God is with me!!! And I ask him for Guidance Everyday!!

God is waiting for ANYONE who wants to Know him as their Personal Friend!!! You just have to Ask !!!

He Forgives our Sins and he FORGETS them

Read the Bible and see how it relates to today!!!

The Greatest thing I know is I will be with God and be able to see my Dad AGAIN!!!


Andrew :)Edited by: andycool  at: 18/2/06 6:27 am
Hey Andy,
Bullshit. It is that sort of self righteous claptrap sprouted by fanatics that have brought the fanatic muslims to this table.

Max - heathens of the world unite! Dyslexics of rthe world Untie!
Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Amen Busgo.... Amen.

My view is simple. Australia's constiution states that we are an english speaking, christian democracy (amongst other things). You can be whatever religion you want (or none if it suits you), you can deviate from those national identity criteria in any way you wish... and without persecution... but we will not apologise for the fact that we are a democracy, our national language is english and our national religious bent is christianity - nor will we apoligise for the fact that these national criteria take priority and shape our laws, our values and our society. Sorry... thats not up for negotiation. Anyone can come here. They can have as much freedom, justice and liberty as anyone else. They can become naturalised and proudly call themselves an Australian. But, if they choose to do that they also accept that our national identity criteria are not negotiable.

I'm all for multi-culturalism, I'll support anyone... Muslim or Christian or anything else. But I will not be told that our schools cannot have Nativity Scenes because someone else finds it offensive (just one example).

If anyone finds that offensive, I apologise. I should take my own advice and never enter into these discussions.

Now, can we focus on what brings up together (bikes) and leave the other stuff outside ?

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob (Astro)Edited by: AstroBusa at: 17/2/06 4:09 pm
Well put Astrobusa. As you said were all bought toghter here by one thing and thats the mighty BUSA.

Sorry If I offended anyone !!!

Max I can have a say!!!


Andrew :)Edited by: andycool  at: 17/2/06 5:50 pm

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