Lcd Screen Review
Just picked up a 19 in Lcd flat screen for the Pc.
1st one was a no name brand...not happy.
Colors washy text hard to read etc.
Thought I would then try a Crt (normal) one in 19 in.
Horrible (I think it was on special and had been returned??)

Thought I would give the Lcd one more try as the size and looks are a real suck in.

Went for a known brand, Viewsonic VA905.
VERY happy.
Paid another 60 bucks ($460) but worth it.

Benifits for me...
All lines are perfectly straight and never go out.
Less eye strain.
Easy to read text.
Looks great.
Full 19 in size unlike Crt monitors.
Not quite as good as a good Crt monitor but excellent all round.
Just make sure you compare as they are NOT all the same...! Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Good onya Pete.

Remember if you or anyone else adds an LCD screen to your computer, you should load the video drivers from the CD that comes with it to your PC because LCDs use special screen drivers and even though they will work as a Plug and Play monitor, they will work to their full potential when the specific drivers for that model are installed.
They are also designed to work at a specific screen resolution depending on the size. If you alter the resolution the quality will reduce.
I use a 19" Hyundai, Imagequest LCD with a 8ms refresh rate. If anyone is interested in gameing, then the refresh rate does make a difference. It has a crisp and clean picture and I am very happy with it.
Again, a little more money, but worth it. Cheers,
(Polishing,Polishing, and more polishing)Edited by: Holger the Dane  at: 1/1/06 11:04 am
12ms refresh on this one Holger.
busgo I hear you and was aware of keeping to default settings but not aware of specific drivers. No Cd.
I might have a look at their website just to make sure...thanks for the tips... Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Just pluged in a Samsung 17 "a couple of days ago , generaly good but if the writing could be clearer i'd like it better. I'll try the cd as you suggested Busgo.
Maj, same prob I had try this first,
and then I strongly suggest take it back and try a better or another brand.
You have to live with it...good luck. Cheers,

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!
Hey thanks for the heads up on this guys.I am buying a 17" LCD for my puter soon,are there any recommended brands?
I have been looking on ebay,and it looks like i will be paying about $250+ for a 17 incher,does this sound about right or can anyone recommend a place to purchase one for a good brand for a good price? Phuck its the phantom!
That helped heaps DJ , no longer feel i need glasses to correct the fuzzy outline.
I'm just using glasses now!!!! --- could be just old age rather than the screen

Dont laugh ,,,,, it will happen to you guys tooooooo

DJ ,,, was the screen an ebay special or a computer shop??

I have been looking into Dell online's screens .. and have had good reports from others that have purchased Edited by: Gazza414 at: 2/1/06 10:24 am
Good one Maj.
They recommend cleartype to be on for Lcd screens but I don't like the way it makes text too chunky. With a good Lcd I don't reckon you need it. Mine is off. If you are happy with the result that's great.

Rocket I got mine from Tecs Warehouse...
17 in starts at $350 there...
They were very good as I tried 3 monitors!!!
All online too.

$250 sounds great, although it prob won't be so critical for a 17 in still get a good brand.
I'de also recommend going for a 19 in
as you may as well go for the bigger one...they look awesome!
Don't forget to get a good refresh rate of at least 12 milliseconds. 8 or lower even better.
And compare screens where possible, especially true colors and text readability...

I'm just using glasses now!!!! --- could be just old age rather than the screen
Gazza, I was just struggling with eystrain with the amount of time I am on.
These are much better on the eyes.
But I hear what you are saying and yep I'm sure it's inevitable... ....


Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,
Photography, Bullshit Artist!Edited by: Djpete  at: 2/1/06 11:27 am
I have had this BENQ FP731 for about a year and it has given me no probs. Foud that running a decent graphics card makes a hell of a diff.
Did ok on the old ebay.Picked up a 17" LG LCD monitor,brand new,3 year warranty with an 8ms recovery rate for $265. Phuck its the phantom!

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